Chapter Nine

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Lexi woke with a start. She had been dreaming about that evening, it had all gone horribly wrong. Her dress had stained as someone dropped a drink on her. Her hair had caught fire as the fire show had got out of hand and everyone had been running for their lives as tables caught fire and decorations fell from the ceiling. The main thing stuck in her head was Gary's face, shaking his head in her direction as he walked away. It had all been her fault.

She walked to the bathroom and splashed her face with cold water. She hadn't thought she was that nervous about tonight but apparently she really was.

Standing under the hot water of the shower, she washed away the dream and put her thoughts towards the events of the day. She would shortly head down to breakfast and then spend a few hours reading. After lunch she would be heading to the salon to get a manicure, massage and her hair styled for that evening.

Stepping out of the bathroom she heard her phone ringing and she hurried over to pick it up. It was Jackie " Morning hun" she said answering the call.

"Morning Lex. i'm about to head down to breakfast are you coming?" Jackie asked

"yeah i just need five minutes, just jumped out the shower" she replied towel drying her hair one handed.

"Great, i'll come and get you on the way down" Jackie said and ended the call.

Lexi quickly changed and picked up her key card just as there was a knock on the door. pulling the door open, she found jackie, Liz and Leanne stood outside and she stepped out closing the door behind her.

"im starving" Leanne said as they walked towards the lifts

"me too" Lexi said pushing the button to call the lift.

"Those cocktails last night were lovely wernt they?" Jackie said as the doors opened

"they were soooo nice" Liz said stepping into the lift "althought my head is a littel delicate this morning"

"well thats becuase you dont actually drink" leanne said laughing " and you had more than me!"

"oh i know i did beleive me" Liz said as the doors opened into the dining area.

They looked around the almost full room and found the others set on a large table at the end, which enought room for them to join them.

Walking along the buffet they helped themselves and made their way back to the table. The talk turned to the excitement of the day ahead and Lexi felt another rush of excitement at the possiblity of who would be at the Ball that evening.

After they had finished Lexi headed back to her room to read for a while. A knock at the door announced the collection of her dress to be steamed and returned later that day. Lexi felt anxious to let the dress out of her sight, if anything was to happen there would be no time to find an alternative.

A few hours later Lexi looked at the time and made her way to the salon for her massage appointment. As she led on the bed she felt all the worries of her earlier dream vanish. She nearly fell asleep by the end and dressed ready to head into the main salon for her manicure. As she walked through she saw seven other faces sat at the nail bars and smiled. they were all gettig ready together and it was perfect.

Nails done they moved into the hairdressers chairs and watched as hands moved quickly curling hair and placing pins, as their hairstyles started to take shape. Lexi looked in the mirror to find her hair has been softly curled and it fell gently around her shoulders.

She moved over to the makeup artist and showed her a picture of her dress and sat back as she worked her magic. When she had finished she turned Lexi towards the mirror and she finally saw the finished product. she blinked several times not beleiving her reflection straing back at her.

This was mad, she never looked like this. The eyeshoadow a perfect shade of blue had been blended into a smoky eye. the lightest of blushers had been added to her cheeks and a rich pink lipstick added to her lips.

As the others makeup was finished they left the salon together and headed back to their rooms. In a short hour they would be leaving the hotel and heading to the venue.

Passing the bar Lexi and leanne stopped and bought two bottles of champagne for the girls to share. they opened them at the bar and each raised a glass in a toast.

"to gary and neverland" phoebe said

"To the lucky bastards who get to meet us this evening" leanne said winking

"to us" Lexi added and they carrie dtheir glasses back to their rooms.

Back in her room Lexi moisturised and stood looking at her dress led across the bed. She looked in the mirror once more, still not able to believe her reflection.

There was gentle tapping ont he door and Lexi went over to open it. Liz stood outside looking amazing in a gorgeous kick flare black dress Stepping inside she twirled and said "so what do you think?"

Lexi smiled and said "you look stunning. That dress is amazing, it really is"

"thanks" Liz smiled back "i've come to do your dres sup and then we can go meet the others in the reception"

Lifting her dress off the bed, Lexi stepped into it and held it up whilst Liz fastened the back. Putting on her shoes and earrings she turned to face the mirror one last time. she had never felt so amazing in her life.

"wow Lex, that dress is amazing. You look a million dollars" she said

"thanks" Lexi said " i feel like it"

Heading to reception they looked up to find everyone anxiously walking around the entrance waiting for them. She could see Jackie and Marina in beautiful black dresses, Phoebe in a gorgeous orange, Rachel in a navy blue and Carlotta in a beautiful purple.

Their cars arrived and they headed outside and made their way to the venue.

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