Chapter Fourteen

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As Lexi reached their table, Leanne looked behind her looking for Liz. "you lost her already?" she said leaning across the table.

Lexi laughed and said "nope, I've left her in the capable hands of Mark Owen, who we just happened to bump into outside.

"NO WAY" Rachel shouted

"you're kidding me" Jackie said beaming across at them.

All of a sudden all eyes were drawn over her shoulder, a sea of smiles covered her friends faces. Grinning back at them Lexi turned to see who they were looking at and there he was right behind Liz and Mark, Gary Barlow. She could hardly breathe.

Mark walked around the group saying hi, followed by Gary. As they reached her she shook Marks hand and raised her eyes to Gary's face.

"hi" he said almost in a whisper "it's nice to meet you"

"hi, I'm Lexi" she stammered back. Up close he was more beautiful that she had imagined, all his photos caught just a small piece of his beauty.

She couldn't look away from his eyes and she blushed, it was like he had her under a spell.

Just then Howard made his way over and joined the group, bringing his excitable energy with him. As he stepped into the group Gary let go of her hand and moved aside to give him room.

"Well well" He said " keeping all the lovely ladies to yourselves I see" grinning he looked round the room until his eyes landed on Leanne and his smile covered his face.

"Hi" He reached his hand out to her "Howard. And you are?"

Blushing she shook his hand and turning a very vibrant shade of red said " I'm Leanne"

A man stepped up to Gary tapping him on the shoulder and leaned in to talk into his ear. Gary nodded and turned back to the group "I'm sorry I have to go. I'll see you again later" he said looking directly at Lexi. As he walked past he turned to her and said "make sure you save me a dance" with a wink he disappeared into the crowd.

As they talked to the boys Lexi tried to concentrate on the conversation, all the time hearing those words over and over again "make sure you save me a dance".

Liz looked at Lexi and whispered "did he say what I think he did?"

"Yeah, he asked me to save him a dance" Lexi said, still in shock, her cheeks flaming red.

"ooooo Lex this is good" Liz said smiling and turning her attention back to mark, Who seemed to bewitched by Liz too.

A few minutes later they excused themselves and made their way to the stage. Picking up mics they took their places and the music started. the girls looked at each other in shock, they weren't expecting for them to perform.

They each raised their glass in a toast and emptied their glasses. Making their way to the dance floor Lexi realized how tipsy she was, she had to slow down or she wouldn't remember any of this.

Mark started to sing everlasting and the girls sang along. It was like a mini concert, but with so many famous people singing their hearts out, knowing every word.

Olly murs was stood to the side singing along and gradually made his way over to their group and danced along with them. Just then Pray started and they all looked at each other, it was a running joke that they would all do the routine when the song came on. However, there was no way they could do the routine in their current attire, and so they did their own version without kneeling on the floor. On the stage they saw the boys laughing as they watched them, whilst doing their own routine on the stage.

They played song after song and the group danced their hearts out in the crowds. As the music slowed Gary took a seat at his piano and then stood back up. Looking around the crowd he looked directly at Their group. Smiling he looked back into the audience and spoke " every concert I do on a solo tour, I always ask for a member of the audience to come up onto the stage and sit at the piano whilst I sing this song. Tonight, should be no exception as we are in a small venue." He looked back at Lexi " however it wouldn't be fair to pick just one lady this evening, and so we would like to invite one of the groups we have met this evening. Lexi, Ladies would you please join us on stage"

looking at each other they all smiled trying to hide the screams threatening to make their way from their throats, any minute now they would wake up. Making their way to the stage they passed other groups, which they realized were fans and they were smiling at their good fortune.

Walking on to the stage Leanne took the lead, each taking Marks hand to help them step on the stage. Lexi was the last to reach the stage and Gary stood and held out his hand to her. moving over to the piano he moved aside for her to sit next to him. Taking a seat, she could hardly breath at how close they were, the heat seeping from his arm into hers, she could feel the muscles in his shirt tensing as they brushed against her arm.

"You okay" Gary asked as she looked up.

"Never better" she said smiling up at him. this was a dream come true an she was going to enjoy every second.

Fingers on the keys Gary took a deep breath to center himself, not sure of how much of a good idea this was having her sat this close to him. He could smell her perfume and feel the warmth of her arm through his sleeve. He realized he had hesitated as both mark and Howard looked in his direction. One final breath and his fingers started to dance across the keys.

As they sang the whole room vanished, it was like they were singing only for them and Lexi noticed that Leanne, Phoebe and Jackie all had their phones out to capture the moment. All of a sudden the song ended and the crowd cheered and clapped.

Standing up Lexi turned to Gay and said "Thank you, that was amazing"

Gary realized that as she sat next to him he was enjoying her closeness and didn't want it to end. He looked at the group all waiting for a sign to leave the stage, looking up at Lexi he said " you guys don't need to go anywhere yet. stay for another one" Looking over at Howard he saw him smile and wiggle his eyebrows. He knows damn it.

Lexi took her seat beside him again and once more she felt him move slightly towards her, until their arms were touching. She needed to get her head together, just the slightest movement on his arm and she felt her pulse race, but she didn't want to move an inch.

A few songs later and their set ended. Moving to step from behind the piano Gary turned to her and smiled, taking her arm he walked with her towards the stairs and followed her down the steps.

The DJ started to play again and the dancefloor took to life once more. Bodies were moving in time to the music, everyone lost in their own worlds. Reaching the last step Gary noticed someone waiting to speak to him. He wanted to curse, why couldn't they just sort out any problems themselves. This was his chance to get to know her, to find out as much as he could before the night ended.

Apologizing he walked off to see what the problem was. A few minutes later he made his way back into the room, only to find more guests he needed to talk to. Usually this didn't bother him, he did all this for the charity, but just this one night he wished he could be stood with her instead of the group currently stealing his time away.

From where he stood he could see her dancing away without a care in the world. Her hips moved in time to the music, mesmerizing him. Forcing his eyes away from her, he continued to discuss the charity.

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