Chapter Four

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A few months later Lexi arranged to meet Liz for coffee on her day off. She was exhausted, another long week in the office done, but this would cheer her up.

As she walked through the door she could see her friend loving staring at the cake selection in front of her, trying to make a decision. As she walked over she stopped with a hop by the side of her, watching her jump and started laughing.

"That nearly gave me a heart attack" Liz laughed back, "Quick what do you want, I can get it at the same time as mine."

Lexi looked through the glass and chose a strawberry gâteaux slice. Her mouth was watering just looking at it. The weather had turned again and so they ordered hot chocolates with the works, to have with it.

"Diet starts again Monday hey" Liz said winking and picking up her fork.

"Every Monday Liz every Monday" Lexi laughed taking a bit of her cake.

They chatted about the previous week and looked out the window at the rain that had started to fall. Lexi had rushed out that morning, realizing there was a pile of post unopened still sat on the side. As she reached her front door she had scooped the pile up and dumped it in her bag. Reaching down she pulled the letters out and placed them on the table.

"Wow, you're popular" Liz said as Lexi opened the first envelope.

"It's all got away from me this week" she said pulling out the first piece of paper. "I've not had a second to breathe, so I grabbed them on my way out. You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all. I love seeing what rubbish other people get sent" Liz said smiling sipping her drink.

As Lexi opened envelope after envelope, there seemed to be a running theme, junk mail. About to give up she turned the next one over and began to open it. Inside was a second envelope and a letter. She pulled them both out and unfolded the paper.

As she read the first line, she felt her heart race.

"what is it" Liz said "you've gone white"

Passing the letter to her, Lexi watched as she read the first couple of lines. Liz looked up mouth wide open and squealed. "OMG. How? What?"

Putting the letter back onto the table she reached for the small envelope that had been enclosed and studied the back, as if some type of clue would appear in magic ink.

Lexi re-read the words again:

"Congratulations, you are cordially invited to attend a charity ball for the opening of the new show Finding Neverland.

Please find enclosed a ticket for each member of your party, to be presented at the main entrance at the Eventim Apollo on Saturday 2nd November 2019.

Enclosed is a map of the location and local Hotels should you need accommodation for the evening.

Your tickets for the main show will be received separately."

Looking at each other they dissolved into giggles. "have you the email from the booking?" Liz asked, "it has to have something to do with that?"

Looking through her phone Lexi found the email and read the confirmation. Smiling she read the fine print at the bottom:

"Each ticket bought for the opening night, will be placed into a draw to attend the Finding Neverland Ball. All lucky winners will be contacted after the closing date of Wednesday 28th August 2019."

"All our tickets went into a draw because we bought tickets for the first night" she giggled. "Look read there"

Reaching across Liz read the part Lexi pointed to and started laughing again.

"OMG this is brilliant, just brilliant. She said

Reaching for her own phone she opened their chat group and simply typed.....

'Get your glad rags on ladies, were off to a ball'

Lexi opened the smaller envelope to find eight small, gold edged invitations, with a black silhouette of Peter Pan. Passing one to Liz, she took a picture of both the letter and the invitation and sent them across to the group too.

"He's going to be there isn't he?" Liz asked excitedly, "we are in with a chance of meeting him after all these years.

"Oh god I didn't think of that" Lexi said putting her head in her hands, "what am I going to wear?" She said opening up her browser on her phone and typing in evening gowns. Several pages of beautiful dresses filled the screen. closing the screen, she looked up "nope too much, I need a drink first"

"We have exactly a month" Liz exclaimed, " nothing like a bit of short notice Barlow"

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