Chapter Fifteen

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Dancing the night away they were having the best night of their lives. Throughout the evening mark and Howard made their way over to them to talk and dance. Liz being totally besotted by Mark was sat on one of the stools talking to him and from the look of mark, he didn't mind one bit.

The lights dimmed slightly and the music changed. The tempo slowed and Lexi watched as couples took to the dance floor. From the corner of her eye she saw Mark and Liz walking further into the crowd and begin to dance. Smiling to herself she looked to see where the rest of her friends were and found them dotted around. Rachel and Jackie were at the bar, marina was talking to a lady by the dance floor, Liz was dancing with mark and Leanne was in deep discussions with Howard. Phoebe and Carlotta walked across the room with the group that had joined them earlier and sat back at the table.

Lexi politely said hi and picked up her drink. She really did feel tipsy now, the mixture of the alcohol and excitement of the evening had gone to her head. she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"Hi, I'm Jeff, would you like to dance?" he said awkwardly

Flustered Lexi didn't know what to say. Just as she was about to respond her eyes were drawn to the figure walking towards them. As her eyes focused, she saw Gary striding across the floor, a smoldering look in his eyes.

As he reached them Lexi realized she hadn't yet spoken. "That's a lovely offer" she said, "but I'm afraid I cant"

Looking from Lexi to Gary, he apologized and stepped away. Still not taking his eyes from hers, Gary walked the last few steps and stopped in front of her. A new song had started and he held out his. "I believe you owe me a dance" he said winking at her, as she slipped her hand into his. Stepping down from her stool his other hand gently touched her waist to stop her from falling.

Moving towards the dancefloor he held her hand close to his side so her arm touched his once more. As they reached an opening in the crowd he turned and pulled her to him. She raised an arm around his neck and he pulled her closer still closing the small gap between them. Taking her hand in his they began to move to the music, slow and small steps, he could feel every inch of her against him.

He could smell the scent of her hair, mixed with her perfume, making his head cloudy. Feeling her breath on the side of his neck and it was taking everything he had not to turn and kiss her. The one thing he had wanted to do, since the second their hands had touched earlier.

As she moved in time to the music, she could feel his hand on her lower back gently moving up and down her back. The gentle touch sent a flame up her body. This was ridiculous, there was no way he fancied her, he was just being polite from earlier when he met them and she was going to take full advantage of it, memorizing every single detail. She felt him pull her slightly closer and she thought she could feel his heartbeat racing, matching hers beat for beat. Suddenly she couldn't breathe he was far too close.

Gently moving his head, he adjusted their position and she slightly raised her head from his shoulder. Looking around the room he saw a sea of couples all in their own worlds, he would usually envy them, but not tonight.

Leaning towards her ear he said "Have you enjoyed the night?"

"yes" she almost whispered back, "it's been amazing. The whole thing has been magical" her eyes lit up and smile covered her face, as she turned her head to look at him.

Looking at her just then he wanted to pick her up and carry her away. The way she had looked at him when she described the night was more than he could take. She thought it was magical, exactly as he had hoped it would be portrayed. A memory of a dream leapt into his mind, her lying in his bed that same smile on her face, he could feel himself blush.

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