Chapter Twenty

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Sat slightly apart Lexi could hardly concentrate on the screen in front of her. She could feel the awkwardness as they reached for their drinks at the same time. They had already finished the first bottle and moved on to the second, it was the only way she could control her nerves.

Gary left the room to let Hugo out and when he returned he seemed to sit closer to her as he sat back down. She could feel the static electricity generating in the small amount of air between them, making her chest tighten. As he reached forward to pick up his glass, his knee brushed hers sending a spark through her whole body. she needed to stop drinking before she did something silly.

He had felt the spark as his knee brushed hers, could hear her breath catch and he tried to slow his pulse that had gone crazy at that small sound. Sitting back, he steadied his breathing, trying his hardest not to touch her again. It was like he couldn't concentrate on the film anymore, just the thought of her sitting there was turning him on more and more.

Sensing movement beside him he saw her stand up. jumping up to join her, he turned around and found himself looking directly into her eyes. his pulse raced again as she stared back at him. Just then the lights went out and tv screen turned off plunging them into darkness. Shocked by what had just happened it seemed to break the spell. Reaching for his phone he turned on the torch and moved around the sofa.

"I better check the trip switch" he said moving through to the hallway and away from her. The slightest distance had brought him back into focus, just being in the same air as her he couldn't concentrate. He knew part of it was the alcohol but he main pull he felt towards her had been since the first time he saw her. opening the box, he found all the switches in the right position confirming that it was actually a power cut.

Heading back into the front room he stopped still, stood at the window in the soft glow of the moonlight outside, she watched the snow falling to the ground, almost in a trance. Slowly moving across the room he stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulder unable to stop himself anymore, just the small connection sending the blood rushing around his body. She stood completely still as he traced a finger down her arm, followed by a kiss placed gently on her shoulder.

Lexi had watched as he made his way across the room in the reflection on the glass. As he reached her she felt his hands fall gently on her shoulders, tracing a finger down her arm she had sucked in a breath at the feeling she felt travelling through her body. As he placed a kiss on her shoulder she heard herself moan and found herself leaning backwards into this chest, feeling his muscles move with each breath he took.

Placing his hands on her waist he gently turned her round until she faced him. Looking deep into his eyes she saw a flash of lust and wondered if she the same look in her eyes. He gently lowered his mouth to hers and felt a spark pass between them, he had never had this feeling before from a kiss. Pulling her closer he deepened it, gently teasing her mouth open until he could taste her completely with is tongue. Leaning against the glass he ran a hand down the length of her back until he reached her hip. Grazing her cheek with his hand he gently cupped her and pulled her closer still, until his erection pushed against her.

The kiss took on a life of its own as their hands explored each other. Kissing down her neck he felt the air around them change, almost like it was charged and he took a breath. looking back into her face he saw her chest heaving as she fought to breathe. He took a step back, putting the control in her hands. he wanted nothing more than to take her against the glass here and now, but she deserved more than a quick fumble in his living room. Tentatively he took another step back and held his breath.

Lexi watched him retreat knowing he was putting the decision in her hands. Chest still heaving she had never felt to turned on her life. Never had she been kissed so passionately that she lost herself in it. Watching him stand there, his eyes heavy as he looked at her. she took one step forward and then another. closing the gap between them she slowly reached up and ran a hand threw his hair. She pulled him closer until his lips found hers again.

Lifting her up he wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to the stairs, carefully climbing them he kissed her with a hunger he didn't know he had hidden inside of him. Walking down the corridor he passed the room he had chosen for her to the next one his own.

kicking the door open he moved towards the bed and laid her down. He watched as she pushed herself further up the bed and settled back, eyes constantly locked with his. Never had he felt watching someone watch him be so erotic ever. everything about her threatened to send him over the edge.

Crawling his way up to her, she pulled his head down her to and re-ignited their kiss. Pushing her into the mattress he could fell her pushing back with the same intensity. She his shirt over his head and traced her hands down his chest, breathless at the sound he made as she did it.

Reaching down she started to undo his jeans, listening to the groan he made as her hand grazed the length of him as he broke free. Moving her hand up his length she watched his face, loving the control she had over him as he closed his eyes. grabbing her hands, he pushed them over her head and growled " if you keep that up, it will be over quicker than either of us want" Bending to kiss her he kicked off his jeans.

Raising her slightly he lifted her top over her head and took in the sight of her as she laid back on the bed. Reaching behind her she removed her bra and seductively dropped it to the side of the bed sending his senses wild.

Leaning forward he traced a nipple with his finger before taking it fully into his mouth. Lexi thought she might just explode there and then as she arched her back into his. Fumbling with the buttons on her jeans he moved on to the other breast. Lifting her hips, he gently pulled her jeans from around her hips until he could easily remove them.

Tracing a hand down the inside of her leg he watched as she squirmed with delight beneath him, she looked too good to be true, perfect and his. Lifting his hand to her stomach he continued to tease her until he moved lower, his fingers grazing her, feeling her excitement rise as he touched her.

Reaching up she pulled him to her, wrapping her legs around him she brought his lips to hers and delved her tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. pulses racing, she raised her hips to him and with a gasp felt him enter her. gently he moved inside her as she ran her hands through his hair, taking her gently as he explored her body with his hands.

As she ran her fingers down his back his intensity grew until she could feel the start of her orgasm. Matching him perfectly she arched her back as she found her release and moments later he joined her, collapsing against her fighting for breath.

She had never felt so alive with anyone else in her life, the whole night had set off something inside her that had been dying to get out for years.

Lifting his head he pushed a strand of hair away from her forehead and kissed her gently.

"wow" he said looking back into her eyes and taking her hand linking her fingers in his.

"Wow indeed" she laughed and reached up to kiss him again. that would never get old she knew it already.

"I don't know what happened, just seeing you standing by the window something just came over me" he rolled onto his back and pulled her close so her head was on his chest. Lifting the pillows slightly they adjusted their position so they could see the snow falling from the dark sky outside.

Sometime in the early hours they fell asleep wrapped in each other, the heat from each others body keeping them warm.

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