Chapter 1: False Remorse

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This book will be written in 3rd person unless said otherwise. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Thrown across the room, Todoroki struggled to find air for his lungs. One of his arms was already fractured and covered in black bruises while blood trickled from his forehead to his jawline. Endeavor glared at his son before walking out of the training room, slamming the sliding door shut.

Todoroki laid on the ground, not able to pull himself up. Usually, Fuyumi or Natsuo would come in and help him, but today they were busy with their jobs. Now being alone, Todoroki decided to try and get up, ignoring the excruciating pain.

He succeeded with only a couple falls, panting heavily with a single tear cascading and mixing with the blood on his cheek. The boy sauntered to his room, carefully closing the door and collapsing on his bed, curling into a ball before dozing off into a restless slumber. He knew that tomorrow would be just as bad as today, maybe worse. Thankfully, school takes away the majority of the day, leaving only seventeen hours of endless beatings for Todoroki.


"Partner up into a group of three. You'll be designing a presentation for the states of matter, so assign each member a role." Aizawa seemed as tired as ever, bags under his eyes and the dead aura surrounding him. The only thing surprising was the missing sleeping bag he always brought with him.

Uraraka beamed and stood at Midoriya's desk, eager to be his partner. To her relief, Midoriya agreed to be her partner as the two looked for a third partner. Todoroki was the first to catch their attention. He had his head buried in his arms on the desk, lightly snoozing.

"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya called, standing in front of the male's desk. "Hey, wake up! Do you want to be our third partner?" The greenette nudged Todoroki's shoulder, earning a groan as he lifted his head up. "Wanna be our partner for the presentation?"

Todoroki yawned before nodding his head, standing up from his desk and heading to the corner of the room where their project would be held.

"I'll go ahead and make the slides!" Uraraka volunteered, grabbing a laptop and signing in.

"How about you, Todoro—" Midoriya noticed the younger male had fallen asleep against the wall, his hair covering his eyes. "Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya snapped his fingers, trying to wake up the sleep-deprived kid. Unfortunately, Todoroki was knocked out cold, not even stirring at the boy's attempts.

"He's been sleeping a lot in class..." Uraraka whispered, concern in her voice, "Does he not get enough sleep during the night? He's also very quiet..."

The realization had hit Midoriya square in the face. She was right, Todoroki seemed exhausted and quiet. The silence wasn't too surprising, but the exhaustion caught the greenette off-guard.

"Hey, Todoroki-kun?" He shook the two-tone's shoulder, at first gently then rough. Todoroki gritted his teeth and groaned, as the shoulder Midoriya shook was the same one that connected to his fractured arm.

Todoroki opened his eyes, pulling his arm away from Midoriya and cradling it across his chest.

Shit, how am I going to communicate to Midoriya with only one arm? Todoroki thought, furrowing his eyebrows in frustration. Midoriya and Uraraka noticed.

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