Chapter 2: Stay With Me

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After an hour or so, Todoroki fluttered his eyes open, staring at the white ceiling with a blank expression. There was no point in showing any emotion. He already knew that this will be reported to his father, resulting in a beating at best.

"Todoroki." The voice belonged to Aizawa, who had a worried expression plastered on his face. "How do you feel?"

Deciding to test the question, Todoroki sat up with only a slight ping of pain in his abdomen. Aizawa drew him closer with his arm, resting Todoroki's head on his shoulder.

I feel better. Thank you for helping me, Todoroki signed. He instantly felt warm and relaxed, nuzzling his head in the teacher's scarf.

"Are you comfortable with explaining how you got injured?"

The question had caught the student off-guard. It's not like he didn't expect it to be asked eventually, but the moment when Aizawa would ask never appeared in his mentality.


Todoroki whipped his head to his teacher, giving his full attention. Yes, sir?

Aizawa sighed, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around the student, "Please, don't call me 'sir'. It's too formal. I'll be fine with 'Mr. Aizawa' or just 'Aizawa'. Also, please try and use your voice. Neglecting the use will make it more difficult to speak later on."

Flashbacks to his father smacking him whenever he spoke flooded Todoroki's mind. His breath sped up as he clutched the scarf around his neck, breathing in the scent of his teacher. Aizawa embraced Todoroki gently, stroking his hair while massaging his back in small circles. The boy calmed down, his breath evening out.

"I...I'm abused," Todoroki whispered, his voice strangled and hoarse. Aizawa's eyes widened and looked into the boy's mismatched eyes. Tears had begun to build up beneath his eyes, a drop cascading down his cheek. " me..." His body shook as all his emotions spilled through his orifices, dripping onto the white sheets like rain.

Aizawa felt horrible. His student was condoning such pain and vitriol while still attending school and acting as though nothing was wrong. He must be the bravest child to endure such lengths.

"Who has been hurting you?" he pressed, hoping the scarred child would give him an answer. To calm him down, the raven-haired male embraced Todoroki, rubbing his back gently. "Telling me will make your suffering end. I will promise you that."

The door opened, Recovery Girl shutting it behind her as she continued to write on her clipboard. Aizawa paid no attention to her and waited for the child's answer.

"My...My father. He forces me to train and hurts me if I...if I disobey..." Todoroki hung his head low, clearly ashamed that he's telling an adult his problems. "I...I'm sorry for dragging you into this,'s just that I can't take it anymore!" Todoroki balled his hands into fists as he looked at his teacher, tears falling from his eyes. "I've been hurt for over ten years! My older brother ran away, my mother is in a mental asylum, and I'm trying to protect my older sister and brother from my father's beatings! I can't take any more pain! I-I...I'd rather die from my father's abuse than see my family hurt!"

His body shook from crying. Recovery Girl was shocked by his sudden outburst, feeling remorse from what he had said.

Aizawa was the most shocked of all. How could the Number Two Hero be such a cruel man to his own children? The fractured arm, internal bleeding, and bruises were all Endeavor's doing?

Todoroki had started crying louder, forcing Aizawa to encompass the child before anyone could hear him.

"Shhh, it's alright, Todoroki. Your father won't hurt you any more than he already has. Never again." Aizawa's voice was rich and soothing, calming the panicked student. Recovery Girl sat on the opposite side of Todoroki, rubbing his back as Aizawa stroked his hair.

"Shota, you should take him home with you today. I'll notify the police about Endeavor's litigations. Until then he shouldn't attend school or go outdoors."

Todoroki couldn't believe what Recovery Girl was suggesting. Usually, people just ignore his suffering and continue on with their life, but the two adults genuinely cared about him. They were willing to help him like he's their child.

"Understood." Aizawa glanced at Todoroki. "We should probably head to your house and pick up your possessions. You'll be living with me for a while. Is that okay, Todoroki?"

The boy didn't know how to react. He just nodded and walked alongside his instructor, lost in thought as his left hand was intertwined with Aizawa's. The warmth from his hand seeped into Todoroki's, spreading through his body like a virus.

He wondered if this was love and affection?


"Wake up, kid. We're here."

Yawning and leaning off the window, Todoroki stepped out of the car to see his house. The very place his torturous life began. His breath started to speed up until Aizawa put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright. Nothing will happen to you while I'm here."

The raven-haired teacher's reassurance helped calm the child. Todoroki took a breath before knocking on the door. He waited a minute before Fuyumi swung open the door and embraced him in a tight hug.

"Shoto!" she squealed, releasing him and bouncing in place. "Welcome home! You sure came sooner than normal. Did school end early?"

Todoroki shook his head and walked passed her, heading to his room and quickly packing. Fuyumi grew confused by her brother's actions and watched as he packed a few clothes, hygienic supplies, and a few other things before rushing out of the house and back to Aizawa right outside the front door.

"What's going on?" Fuyumi asked, confused and worried as she stood in the doorway. "Who are you?" She glanced at Aizawa.

"I'm Todoroki's homeroom teacher and have taken custody of him temporarily." Aizawa didn't seem the least bit guilty. "Your father has been reported for child abuse, resulting in this house to be unfit for him to stay in."

Fuyumi covered her mouth, shocked and hurt as she looked at her younger brother, "Is he serious, Shoto?"

Todoroki nodded, tightening his grip on the scarf around his neck.

The woman hung her head, "I knew Father had been abusive and hurtful, but I didn't think it'd lead to you leaving the house..." A tear fell down her cheek as she looked at her brother. "Is he really that bad that you can't live here anymore?"

Aizawa sighed, "I'm afraid so. I'm truly sorry to have to take him away, but it's the only place he'll be safe while your father is suspected of a crime."

Fuyumi nodded before waving adieu at her baby brother and closing the door.

Todoroki felt a tear fall, but he quickly wiped it away and headed back into the car, waiting for Aizawa to ready himself and drive them both home.

Tomorrow will be a long day.

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