Chapter 14: Scarred for Life

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Every night, every hour, with no light source but the sun itself, Todoroki would obey Shigaraki to avoid his life being sheered away. He loved the comfort Dabi gave him after a rough evening with Shigaraki, and Todoroki couldn't believe how well he was coping in such a harsh and dark environment.

The door wiggled open, and Shigaraki stepped inside, locking the door behind him. His face wasn't covered by a dismembered hand anymore, revealing cracked skin on his lips and eyes, scratch marks on his neck. Shigaraki's eyes were piercing red in the dark, glowing as they landed on Todoroki, who sat upon his bed, waiting for the man's orders like the good boy he was.

"Today will be a little different, kid," Shigaraki mused, his lanky appearance rather intimidating to Todoroki, who kept on a blank expression to avoid pissing off his dungeon master. "You hate boiling water, right? Isn't that what your mother used on your eye?"

Todoroki froze, eyes widened at Shigaraki, who gradually closed the distance between them with one hand behind his back. The boy didn't know what to think; he was horrified of kettles.

Shigaraki noticed the change in expression on Todoroki's face, his smile growing with cracked skin littering his lips, "Someone like you would be susceptible to boiling water, correct? The first step to being a villain is to see how much pain you can endure before your body is immune." He revealed his hand, the dark silhouette of a kettle emitting smoke stabbing Todoroki in the chest. His breathing sped as the kettle gradually raised above his eye level, the steam making his body tremble as tears fell from his eyes.

", s-stop...!" Todoroki begged, scooting back onto the bed until his back hit the wall. Shigaraki chuckled, the kettle whistling filling the silence in the dark room.

"Someone in your position has no right to demand me what I should do," Shigaraki hissed, slightly tipping the kettle until steaming water poured out of the spout, right over Todorki's right eye. He grinned at Todoroki's blood-curdling scream, tipping the kettle farther forward before stopping, setting the steaming pot of metal on the concrete flooring. Todoroki continued to scream, his cries softening as he gripped the right side of his face, blood drizzling under his hand and down his face.

Shigaraki chuckled, exiting the door before quickly returning with dry ice in a bucket, condensation rising from the contents. Todoroki hadn't noticed, his body trembling as he covered his burn, unable to open his eye. Shigaraki took out a rag from his pocket, collecting a single piece of dry ice before setting the bucket down and ambling to Todoroki, grabbing a fistful of his hair and forcing him to look at him.

"This'll sting a bit, so try not to move," Shigaraki warned, his voice scratchy as he pressed the dry ice against Todoroki's new, freshly open burn, making his screams echo off the walls and throughout their hideout. He thrashed around, trying to back away from the intense burning of the dry ice, but Shigaraki held him against the wall. "I said don't move, you little shit."

"Shigaraki, enough!"

Shigaraki blinked as the lights turned on, removing the dry ice and glancing behind his shoulder, seeing a pissed Dabi in the doorway of an open door.

Dabi was in tears, salty tears cascading down his scarred face as he witnessed his brother tortured before him in such a horrible, inhumane way.

"You've done enough..." he stated, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to stifle his overflowing tears. "Let him go before you kill him."

"Ha...?" Shigaraki breathed out, dropping the dry ice into the bucket and stepping away from Todoroki, who quietly sobbed against the wall on the bed. "This won't kill him, Dabi. It's just another scar for him to remember for as long as he lives."

The villain grit his teeth, glaring at Shigaraki, "He'll die from shock if you keep this up. Look at him; he's shaking to death! Just leave him alone and let me clean this room up. I won't tend to the burn you gave him, but you should quit before his body does for you."

Shigaraki clicked his tongue, ambling out of the room but not before whispering in Dabi's ear, "He will become one of us, Dabi, and giving him a permanent scar where everyone can see will remind him that he belongs to me." Shigaraki shut the door behind him, leaving Dabi alone with a broken boy.

Dabi shook his head, rushing to Todoroki, blood drizzling down his face and neck, staining the bedsheets.

"Hey, Shoto, it's okay, I'm here. Show me your eye, please," Dabi begged, hoping the scar wasn't severe. Todoroki slowly removed his hand, lifting his head with wide, horrified eyes and a trembling body. Dabi covered his mouth in shock, countless tears falling as he saw the horrific wound over his brother's eyes, the skin red and white as blood dripped over blisters and hanging skin. "Oh, no, Shoto..."

His eye was normal, completely unscathed, but around the eye was unsightly and horrific. The skin was bloody and red, bits of skin peeling and hanging by a thread. Todoroki's eyebrow and eyelashes were no longer noticeable, blending into his irritated skin as tears picked up and dragged blood down his face and neck.

Todoroki's breath was uneven and raspy as he struggled to keep his eye open, closing it as Dabi cried silently, caressing a thumb over Todoroki's previous patch scar on his left eye, feeling the rough and bumpy skin.

"I'm so sorry, Shoto..." he cried, noticing Todoroki beginning to sob from the intense pain he felt. "I wanted to help you as soon as I heard you scream, but I couldn't, and I wish I had taken the risk for your sake... Shoto, I'm so sorry!" Dabi cried, connecting his forehead to Todoroki as they wept, one cry louder and more painful than the other.

After they calmed down, Dabi decided on getting medical supplies for Todoroki's wound, slipping out the window and grabbing necessary materials for his brother's horrid third-degree burn.

When he returned, Dabi gently cleaned the wound with mild soap and water, patting it dry as Todoroki whined at the pain. He applied cream and ointment to the burn with a cotton swab before wrapping a layer of gauze over his eye, forced to hear his little brother's whimpers and soft cries as the gauze pressed on his wound, making it throb.

Dabi finished by cutting off the end of the bandage and setting the supplies aside, noticing the kettle by the foot of the bed, dribbling water sliding down the spout. The villain kicked it harshly across the room, glaring at it as the water spilled onto the concrete flooring near the wall. Todoroki flinched under the sound of clanking metal, trembling on the bed with his back against the wall.

The villain sighed, returning his attention to his brother before gently drawing and embracing him, stroking and running his fingers through the latter's hair in an attempt to calm his speeding breath, "It's okay, Shoto. Just take a deep breath and relax. I won't leave you alone."

Todoroki returned the embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around Dabi's neck as he buried his face into the crook of his neck, his body trembling as his quiet sobs met the villain's ears, " h-hurts so much..."

Dabi stroked his hair and rubbed his back, whispering in a low and soothing voice, "I know, Shoto. I know..."

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