Chapter 3: Please, Don't

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Aizawa's POV

Todoroki had fallen asleep in the back, his head resting on his arm against the window. He seemed so peaceful despite the twisted expression he wore while asleep. I felt utterly horrible for the ways Endeavor have been treating him. I had always thought of the Number Two Hero being a kind, thoughtful, and heroic person. But if Endeavor is just as Todoroki described, then there's no choice but to suspect him of child abuse. I trust that Todoroki wouldn't lie, and the bruises, cuts, and scars were proof enough.

Upon arriving home, I noticed Shinso stooping in the front yard, feeding a small black rabbit a piece of celery. It infuriated me that he was using our food on animals, but I let it slide since I didn't mind losing celery.

Shutting off the engine, I reached behind me to tap Todoroki on the shoulder. He stirred but opened his eyes, realizing the car had ceased. I smiled and got out of the car, him following close behind me.

"Welcome home," Shinso greeted, standing up as the rabbit ran off into the bushes. He sprinted over to me before stopping and noticing someone next to him,

with my scarf on.

For some reason, Shinso's face grew red as he cleared his throat and asked, "Why is Todoroki with you? And wearing your scarf?" It was obvious Shinso liked my scarf. He would occasionally rip it off me and wrap it around himself, snuggling into it. But he would never admit that to anyone. Not even me.

"He will be living with us temporarily until we get something sorted out." I didn't want to divulge him about the kid's problems, especially since it's a hard topic for him to begin with. "He will be bunking in your room until I clean out the guest room of its boxes."

Shinso sighed and grabbed Todoroki by the hand, who at first resisted but let himself be dragged into the suburban home.

3rd Person POV

Inside, the home seemed cozy and quiet, despite the black kitten bouncing around the place like she whiffed a container of catnip. Her eyes were a mixture of blue and violet, creating a galaxy in her orbs.

Shinso had told Todoroki the kitten's name was Smoke. She was found in an alleyway curled up in a box. Aizawa, loving cats as it was, couldn't resist but to take in the cat and nurse it back to health.

Sitting on the couch, Todoroki sighed and leaned back onto a pillow, suddenly feeling exhaustion wash over him. Smoke energetically jumped onto his chest, licking the boy on the cheek happily. Todoroki was, at first, nervous, but realized Smoke meant no harm as he cuddled with the loving cat.

Aizawa later walked in, closing the door with his heel and glancing at the child sleeping with his pet. A small smile grew on the teacher's face before he grabbed a clean blanket from a closet and tossed it gently on the two.

One could not imagine this innocent child to be harmed and abused. I might never forgive Enji for what he has done.

Shinso busied himself in his room, cleaning up the place while pulling out a futon and filling it with a pillow and blanket for his new roommate. He still remembered the scarf secured around Todoroki's neck, dangling and looking rather out-of-place. Shinso decided that there was no harm in letting it slide.

A knock on his door, Shinso stood up and closed his closet door before opening it to see Aizawa.

"What do you want?" Shinso asked, trying his damndest to sound polite rather than harsh. "I already made his bed, if that's what you're gonna ask about."

Aizawa shook his head and clasped a hand over his shoulder, "I just wanted to inform you that Todoroki has been through a lot. I would appreciate it if you don't be harsh to him."

Shinso scoffed, "What has he been through that forced you to tell me to be nice to him?"

The adult sighed, "I can't tell you that right now. For the time being, just make him feel at home." Aizawa closed the door, leaving Shinso alone in his depressing black and purple glowing room.

On the couch, Todoroki began to hyperventilate. He was reliving a nightmare of his father's cruel discipline, him getting punched, kicked, cut, and bruised. It felt so real to him—so vivid. Todoroki couldn't tell fantasy from reality anymore.

"S-Stop...please...I-I'm sorry..." He shook violently while tears fell from his eyes. Smoke tried to calm him by nuzzling her snout against his. It partially worked, but the student was still shaking.

Aizawa noticed and rushed to him, jerking his shoulder to wake up the boy. Todoroki shot up, making Smoke jump off the couch. His eyes were red and puffy as his breathing started to even out.

"A-Aizawa-sensei..." he called, looking into the male's jet black eyes. Todoroki wiped his eyes of tears. "Sorry... Was I disturbing you?"

The adult shook his head and hugged the boy, "Of course not. You seemed in distress, so I shook you awake. Are you alright?"

Todoroki nodded, tightening his grip on the male's black uniform. Smoke jumped back onto the couch, rubbing her head against the two-tone's thigh. Todoroki leaned out of the embrace and stroked the feline, making her purr and lean into his touch.

Stop petting her.

Todoroki immediately jerked his hand back, frozen in place as he heard Smoke meow in annoyance for stopping.

"Todoroki? What's wrong? Did she bite you?" Aizawa asked, seeming worried.

Smoke feels bad about you. She's just trying to make you happy so someone else can ruin it. No one really loved you.

A tear had fallen from his eye, landing on his lap.

Admit it. Who would bother to help you when you do nothing in return? All you're doing is dumping your problems into their vitalities. Stop mooching and end it already.

"I...I'm n-not..." Todoroki began to hyperventilate, hugging his arms while hanging his head. "I-It's not like that..."

You can't escape the inevitable. Why don't you relieve yourself with a little pain? That always takes the worry away, right? Go on. Do it.

Aizawa didn't understand what Todoroki was talking about, but he didn't wait to find out. The kid was obviously hearing things. Most likely bad things. Perhaps his father.

"Hey, Todoroki. Calm down, okay? Don't listen to whoever's talking to you. Think rationally."

Pain is rational. All living things feel pain, right? It's only natural. So go on.

Standing up, Todoroki headed into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it. He accidentally left his bag by the door, so he didn't have his pocket knife with him. Perhaps there's something in this bathroom that is sharp.

Looking through the cupboards, Todoroki found a pair of scissors with black handles. They seemed a little worn out, but otherwise, the blades were sharp enough to cut through the skin.

Three knocks, "Todoroki! Get out here this minute! Don't do what you're going to do!" Aizawa was now shouting, clearly scared that his student was going to do something regretful.

Opening the scissors, Todoroki put the blade to his forearm, hesitating.

What was he doing? Cutting won't solve anything, so why do it? It'll just give you more scars to hide.

Do it.

Without a second thought, Todoroki gently pushed the blade across his arm, a slit forming as blood seeped through. Some accumulated enough to drip down his arm and land onto the cold, white tiles.

There. Doesn't that make you feel better? Let's do it some more so you can feel completely relaxed.

He cut again, going faster and making longer strides until his arm was practically painted red as was the floor. Todoroki began to feel dizzy. Losing so much blood was bound to make the kid pass out.


The booming voice of his teacher knocked Todoroki out of his trance. He began to feel immense pain from his arm, trying his absolute best to muffle his screams. By doing this, Todoroki felt dizzier before collapsing onto the floor and passing out.

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