Chapter 17: Nomu (end)

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Shigaraki's words rang in Dabi's ears. A serum for transformation? A new member of the League of Villains? What meth is he on?

Dabi had only experienced a few of Shigaraki's tests with hostages he found on a whim. Results ended with poison, hemophilia, tumors, overstimulation, and plenty of others that resulted in the hostage keeling over, but none went through a transformation.

"What will happen to him?" Toga asked, worry in her voice as she realized how much Todoroki means to him. She hated seeing him broken and down like he is now. "What do you mean by 'a new member?'"

Shigaraki kept silent, chuckling lowly in his throat as he twisted the syringe in his grasp, gazing at the black and bubbly liquid within its clear chamber. Dabi knew whatever transformation was in that syringe won't be good, and if he's unlucky enough, it might change Todoroki forever.


"Enji, you can't see him now, you're a fugitive!" Hawks pointed out, walking alongside Endeavor as he marched towards the hospital in a disguise. "They'll know it's you, plus, your disguise isn't exactly foolproof." Hawks pointed at Endeavor's clothing, consisting of jeans, a white T-shirt, shades, hat, and fake black beard.

Endeavor growled, "It'll be enough for them to glimpse, and by the time they find out who I am, I'll have already killed him. Do your job before I do the same to you."

Hawks winked, "Got it, Enji!" He quickly flew above the hospital, knowing Todoroki's room number by the back of his hand and opening the window, seeing Todoroki on his bed, unconscious with a feeding tube down his throat, another tube under his nose, and many bandages around his arms. Hawks noticed the red in his hair was black and another patch scar covered his right eye.

He slowly stepped in, closing the window and leaning on the edge of the bed, feeling bad about the child. He wanted to help him, but Endeavor told him specifically to cut off his life support. So, ridding the regret in his mind, Hawks grasped a cord, ready to pull it until the doorknob on the door wiggled before opening.

A nurse walked in, seeing Hawks sitting in a chair, holding Todoroki's hand in his, "Oh, Hawks, I didn't know you were here. I came to give Mr. Todoroki a check-up."

Hawks smiled, standing from his chair and winking at the nurse, "You know me. How could I sit still when my partner's son is in the hospital, let alone a child? I couldn't live with myself if I didn't visit him!" Hawks dramatically plopped back into his chair, forcing tears to shed.

The nurse comforted him, "No, don't cry, Hawks! He'll live and be back and walking in no time!"

Hawks immediately perked up, "That's great! I'll let you check on him, so please don't mind me." The nurse smiled, writing in her clipboard as she took Todoroki's vitals. Hawks watched intently, his wings bouncing in excitement until the nurse finished, her expression bright and cheery.

"Hawks, may I speak to you in the hall for a moment?" she asked, opening the door as Hawks agreed, folding his wings to fit through the doorway and out into the hallway, the door closing shut.

A black and purple portal appeared inside the room, Shigaraki and Overhaul stepping out. They stare menacingly at the unconscious student before them, Shigaraki holding the syringe in his hand. Overhaul leans on the guard rail by his forearms, tracing a gloved finger over Todoroki's new patch scar.

"You're a cruel man, Shigaraki," Overhaul cooed, gliding his fingers down the cord to Todoroki's lifeline. "You say this kid has two powerful Quirks? What are they?"

Shigaraki smirked, "Ice and fire. If you can mold his body to properly hold his new abilities, he'll become the strongest Nomu ever created."

Overhaul chuckled, "Let's get started, then." He ambled to the end of the cord, ripping it out of the wall as Todoroki's heart rate monitor rang, a flatline displayed with a zero next to it. Shigaraki grabbed Todoroki's wrist, stabbing the needle into his forearm and pumping the black liquid into hid bloodstream.

"Now, we take him to the warehouse and finish the transformation," Shigaraki stated, snapping his fingers as a portal appeared, Mr. Compress ambling in and quickly trapping Todoroki in a small marble. "Alright, let's hurry before that bird comes in." The three left through the portal, appearing in a warehouse and meeting Dabi, Toga, and Kurogiri.

Shigaraki glanced at Mr. Compress, who released Todoroki and laid him on the ground, stepping back as the student's fingers began to twitch from the black liquid coursing through his veins.

Overhaul knelt next to Todoroki, taking off his gloves and pressing a finger to his skin, making his skin bubble before he was ripped apart, blood splattering in every direction before slowly reforming. Todoroki looked the same, his black and white hair freshly brushed and cleaned, but his gray eye was completely white, bits of his skin chipping away and exposing muscle underneath. He stood slightly hunched, no expression on his face as Shigaraki had Overhaul tinker with his abilities.

Once done, Dabi stood in front of Nomu Todoroki, the student slowly connecting gazes with Dabi.

"Shoto? Can you hear me?" Dabi whispered as Shigaraki and Overhaul conversed in a group from afar, leaving their new Nomu in Dabi's care. Todoroki kept eye-contact, not moving as more skin chipped away from his white eye. Dabi trembled, struggling to stifle his tears. "I-I didn't want this to happen to you. I shouldn't have ever left you. Now you're an entirely different person, and it's all my fault." Dabi silently cried, subconsciously embracing Todoroki until he was shot across the warehouse, Dabi landing harshly against the wall as wings extended menacingly from Todoroki's back, his breathing raspy and uneven as Shigaraki and Overhaul quickly ran to the Nomu, Toga and Mr. Compress helping Dabi stand.

Shigaraki smiled, "Wings, huh? This Nomu will definitely be something to remember." He cleared his throat. "Nomu, stand down."

Todoroki retracted his wings, them molding into his skin and disappearing as though they never appeared.

Dabi groaned, blood dripping down his head as Overhaul talked with Shigaraki.

Overhaul ambled to Dabi, his uncovered hand growing closer to Dabi, "Let me quickly heal those wounds of yours, Dabi. We don't know what set him off, but whatever you did, I'd refrain from doing again." He quickly ripped Dabi apart and reformed him to his previous self, the blood gone and his spine intact.

Toga spoke, "So, now that we have a powerful Nomu, what will we do? Are we still after All Might?"

Shigaraki chuckled, whispering to Todoroki as his wings sprouted once again, this time much larger than his body, "We'll kill All Might, but he's not the only one we're after. Dabi, you have a grudge against someone, right? Endeavor? Use this Nomu to kill him if you wish. After you're finished, return him to the warehouse. Boss and I will be giving him new Quirks that'll surely make him unstoppable." Shigaraki grinned widely, his lips cracking as Nomu Todoroki gazed at Dabi with glowing white and turquoise eyes.

"Now, let's rid this world of Heroes once and for all."



Thanks so much for the support in this book. I'm glad you liked it, please vote and share if you deem it worthy. I might make a second book or not depending on your opinion. Tell me in the comments what you prefer and thank you for reading!

Also, if you want a sequel, please tell me who you ship Todoroki with! I'll use whatever ship is the most popular!

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