Chapter 12: I'll Protect You

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Dabi had returned to see his little brother no longer on the couch but lying unconscious on the floor, black hair dye staining the dirty carpet where Todoroki's black hair touched. He was panting heavily, sweat building on his forehead. Dabi quickly sat the bag of medicine on the floor and cradled Todoroki's head, seeing his eyes squeezed shut and his breathing quick. The villain had assumed his brother was having a bad dream, but that wasn't at all the case. Todoroki couldn't breathe, his body jerking him awake to make sure he was alive. His eyes went wide, embracing his older brother the moment he saw Dabi.

"Whoa, there, kiddo. Are you okay? Bad dream?" Dabi was trying his hardest to ease the panicked child in his arms, but the two-tone refused to answer and continued to try and find his breath. "Hey, I need you to take some medicine, okay? It'll help you a lot." Dabi reached for the bag of medicine, knocking it over until he found one of the bottles. Using one hand, Dabi unscrewed the cap and dumped three tablets into the cap. He managed to pull his little brother out of his embrace, standing and quickly getting some water before kneeling in front of Todoroki. "Here. I promise this'll help ya." Todoroki took the three tablets and water, quickly downing them and trying his best not to vomit. Dabi gave him the other prescriptions of medicine, which Todoroki nearly spit out as his body was rejecting the medicine, but being a brave boy, he held it down.

Todoroki smiled, tears streaming down his face as he glanced at Dabi. He was proud of accomplishing something so simple, so ordinary. Dabi returned the gesture, patting the boy on the head.

"Good job, little bro. I'm proud of you," Dabi praised, ruffling the boy's hair. Todoroki hugged Dabi tightly, his hair stroked and back rubbed. "Want to do something fun?"

The two-tone nodded, looking into Dabi's turquoise eyes with question.

The villain smirked, hoisting Todoroki up and leading him into a bedroom. Dabi sat on the bed, letting Todoroki adjust himself before he presented his palm, a small blue flame erupting. The boy flinched, staring at it and giving Dabi a questioning and worried glance.

"This is the color I want your flames so be," Dabi said, closing his palm before snapping his fingers and lighting another flame. "It'll take a while, but I want you to focus on strengthening your power. This'll help you protect yourself."

Todoroki nodded, raising his left hand and igniting a baby flame, its base white as snow. The boy narrowed his eyes, putting more raw power into his flame as it grew in size.

Dabi covered the flame, quenching it as he shook his head, "Don't focus on size. Imagine my flames, for example. Focus on raising the flame's temperature starting from white. Once you hit pink, we'll stop."

Todoroki nodded, opening his palm then lighting a flame. It was pure white, but as he focused, the flame turned a tint of orange then red. Sweat built upon the boy's forehead the harder he concentrated, his breathing becoming more rapid.

The flame suddenly grew bigger, forcing Dabi to close Todoroki's hand and quench it. Todoroki's eyes widened, tears sprouting as he quietly and frantically apologized.

"Hey, hey, it's cool, Shoto. You did nothing wrong." Dabi smiled, drawing Todoroki into his chest. "It's a good start for Day One. Come on, let's take a walk outside to cool you off." Todoroki nodded, taking Dabi's outstretched hand and heading outside.

The breeze was chilly for midnight, frigid air making Todoroki shiver. Dabi chuckled and slipped off his overcoat, slinging the fabric over Todoroki's shoulders and letting him melt into the warmth it gave.

The two sat on a bench near a broken light fixture, letting the darkness be their light and safety. Todoroki leaned on Dabi's chest, his eyes heavy. Dabi gently ran his fingers through the two-tone's hair, calming and relaxing him.

Dabi's phone buzzed in his coat pocket, startling Todoroki and making him jerk away. The villain eased him, fishing out the phone and holding up to his ear while trying to make his little brother fall asleep.

"Yo, Handyman. What's up?" Dabi called, checking on Todoroki to see him nearly asleep.

"Where the hell are you?" Shigaraki hissed, shouts reverberating in the background.

Dabi arched an eyebrow, "Just banging and slaying chicks. You know, the usual. Why?"

"That hostage of ours escaped somehow. We need you back at the hideout to search for him or the boss'll be pissed." Shigaraki's voice was laced with annoyance and anger. He's never sounded so desperate to do something, according to Dabi.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll head over. You're always the one ruining my fun." Dabi hung up the call, noticing Todoroki was still awake. "Ready to head back inside? It's getting a little chilly out here."

Todoroki sat up, nodding to Dabi's request and gripping the long overcoat tightly to his body. He realized the villain's arms were exposed to the cold, immediately taking off the coat and trying to give it back.

Dabi shook his head, "Don't worry about me, little bro. My Quirk warms me up pretty well. The last thing I want is for you to get a cold." Todoroki nodded, slinging the coat over him and gripping tightly while following Dabi back to the apartment.

Inside was warm and toasty, making Todoroki slip off the overcoat and give it back to Dabi, who put it on and flopped on the couch.

"Don't leave me hanging, bro. Get in here!" Dabi spread his arms out for Todoroki, who ran and embraced him tightly. The villain chuckled, enjoying the pure smile plastered on Todoroki's face. "Ready to get some sleep? I need to help Shigaraki with 'finding you' back at the hideout." Todoroki grew worried, his body shaking from fear. "Don't fret, little bro. I have the perfect plan as a decoy. Just go to sleep. I'll wake you up in the morning."

Dabi laid Todoroki down, pulling a blanket over him and kissing him on the forehead, "Sleep well, okay? Call me if you're scared or in trouble. I won't be too far away." Dabi stood, giving Todoroki a reassuring smile before heading out the door, locking it and proceeding to put his decoy plan in action.

Before, I'd never do this for anyone. But if I have to lie and deceive my friends for the sake of my brother, it's worth the loss.

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