Chapter 6: Conditional Love

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Maybe Shinso didn't want to see Todoroki? He had dashed to his room once finishing breakfast and slammed the door awfully harshly. Aizawa thought that perhaps he was in a bad mood? Maybe he felt sick?

His bedroom door swung open as Shinso came out with Smoke wrapped with a red bow around her neck, "Sorry, Dad. I had to dress up Smoke so she can at least have a chance with that male cat in our neighbor's yard."

Aizawa closed his eyes in embarrassment and disappointment before quickly getting Shinso and himself ready. They headed out the door and into the car, starting the engine before driving off to the hospital. Shinso had dropped off Smoke in the neighbor's yard before getting into the car. He secretly hoped Smoke was able to get a date with that male tabby cat.

At the hospital, Aizawa quickly registered themselves in before taking three sets of stairs to the fourth floor. They sped through the hallway to Room 696, knocking on the door. A small, quiet voice called for them to enter.

Inside the small room was plain white walls with a single-window adjacent from the door. A TV was mounted on the wall across a white bed with rail guards. On the said bed, was Todoroki, who had many tubes connected to his arms and one under his nose.

"Hi, Dad. Hi, Shinso," he greeted with a tiny smile. Todoroki was sitting up with his arms over his covered legs. His body was lightly shaking, but otherwise, he looked fine. "Why aren't you two at U.A.?"

Aizawa and Shinso ignored Todoroki's question and embraced him warmly, a single tear falling from the teacher's eye.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" the raven-haired male announced, pushing Todoroki's head into his chest while stroking his hair. "When your sister and brother told me about what happened, I came as fast as I could. There's no reason for you to be scared anymore. Your father doesn't know where you are and is being stalled as we speak. Once you're allowed to go home, I want you to stay indoors until Endeavor is arrested."

"O-Okay," Todoroki understood as Shinso rubbed his back slowly. He along with Todoroki and Aizawa never understood why Endeavor would do such a thing to his son, let alone destroy the kid's mental state. But both Shinso and Aizawa didn't care, as all they needed to worry about was Todoroki. "Um, you're crushing me, Dad."

Aizawa quickly released Todoroki, "Sorry, I'm just so happy you're alive. Never do this again, you hear? If you do and end up dying, I'll kill you."

Todoroki covered his mouth and stifled a laugh, Shinso as well. Aizawa arched an eyebrow at his kids giggling, wondering what he said that was so exhilarating.

"Dad, do you realize what you said?" Shinso asked, his body shaking from laughter. "You said you'd kill Todoroki if he died. That contradicts itself."

Aizawa repeated his own words in his head, realizing why it was funny, "Oh, I see. Well, you get the picture, Todoroki."

Todoroki nodded and took a deep breath, trying to calm his body from laughing so hard. Shinso did the same, but he took a little longer since he was the one making the situation overdramatic by laughing too loud.

"Do you know when you'll be discharged from the hospital?" Shinso asked his brother, wiping a tear of joy from his eye.

Todoroki nodded, "At the least, I can leave within four days. At most, six days. It depends on how long I need a blood transfusion."

Shinso sighed in annoyance and took out his phone, checking out ChatSnap and the Snap a friend of his had sent. He chuckled at the video of a cat sticking out its tongue to the camera.

"Police should be able to hold Endeavor until then, but if not, I'll notify the hospital not to let him inside your room," Aizawa suggested, plucking Shinso's phone out of his hands and pocketing it with his own, making Shinso growl in annoyance and avoid eye-contact with him. "I need to get to work, so please, don't cause trouble. Shinso, let's go." Todoroki waved them goodbye, Shinso waving back but grumbling insults at Aizawa for taking away his phone. He was looking forward to all the cat videos he had stored in a playlist.

Once they left, Todoroki sighed and stared out the window, watching planes and birds fly by. It was a beautiful morning, but Todoroki wasn't allowed outside until his blood transfusion was finished.

To pass the time, Todoroki flicked on the TV, flipping to random channels until he came across one of his favorite shows as a kid called Chi's Sweet Home. Todoroki smiled as he remembered watching the show with his two brothers and sister. Chi was basically the family's cat, even if she was fictional.

Soon after an hour, Todoroki fell asleep, the remote slipping from his hand. The window slowly opened as Shigaraki and Toga crawled into the room, their eyes landing on the sleeping figure in the bed.

"Ah, good guessing, Toga," Shigaraki complimented, running his index on Todoroki's wrist before traveling up the tube that ran to a bag full of transfer blood. "Seems as though the Number Two Hero's son isn't as tough as he is portrayed. Go on and do what you want, Toga. We'll take him once you're done."

Toga squealed before taking out a knife, running the blade quickly across the student's wrist, arms, neck, and eye. Todoroki had woken up from the sudden pain, only able to open one eye before seeing the two villains in front of him.

"Y-You-" Shigaraki placed four fingers on Todoroki's chest, right over the heart.

"I wouldn't even try to call for help, Todoroki Shoto. If you do, I'll decay your body until you die."

Todoroki kept quiet, breaking into a cold sweat as Toga licked his blood and morphed into an exact image of him, smiling maniacally.

"I'm done!" she exclaimed, feeling her new hair as she stared daggers at Todoroki. "You can take him now!"

Shigaraki smirked and ripped the tube under Todoroki's nose, making it impossible for him to breath, "Now we wait...and..." Todoroki struggled to breathe before passing out. "Unhook him and I'll call Kurogiri to take him back to our hideout."

"Yes, sir!" Toga complied, ripping the blood transfusion out and watching with lustful eyes as the blood spilled all over the bed and floor. She unhooked other tubes before backing up, letting Shigaraki pick him up and exiting through Kurogiri's portal before it disappeared. Toga, on the other hand, walked out the door and ran down the halls, using her knife to stab any passing nurses or doctors until she made it outside and to the hideout.

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