Chapter 16: Uninvited Guest

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3rd Person POV

Dabi ran his hands along the door to Todoroki's room, nervous at his words before they parted.

"I've seen them, too. They're known as The Faceless, and they know everything."

His words stumped Dabi, the information gnawing at his mind as he retracted from the door, heading into the bar lounge for a drink. The villain wanted to know what Todoroki meant, why he was dreaming about The Faceless, but now wasn't the time. He needed alone time, and Dabi needed to collect his thoughts.

"What's the troubled face for, Dabi?" Kurogiri asked, gathering ingredients for Dabi's drink. "Is it about that young boy?"

Dabi nodded, leaning his forehead on the bar island, "Can you keep a secret for me?"

Kurogiri thought for a moment, "I can, but if it's information that could potentially harm Shigaraki, I cannot keep it as a secret."

Dabi huffed, "That damn Handyman won't be harmed at all. If at all, he'll hurt the kid." He took a breath. "That kid we kidnapped is my youngest brother."

Kurogiri showed no expression, "That's nothing new to me, Dabi. I already figured it out when Shigaraki informed me you took him away from his room and tried to hide him."

Dabi blinked, snapping his head up to Kurogiri with widened eyes, "You knew? No one else knows, right? Shigaraki, Toga, Mr. Compress, Spinner, or Twice?"

"I haven't told anyone yet," Kurogiri stated, cleaning a shot glass with a cloth. "I figured this was something you would have to tell when you're ready. I have no business in the matter, let alone decide who should know."

Dabi sighed with relief, downing a shot of tequila before a large explosion sounded in Todoroki's room, making Dabi panic and bolt to the door, opening it as pieces of charred and splintered wood hung from the ceiling.

In the center of the room, Bakugo had a hold of Todoroki, who showed no signs of struggle. He appeared to be unconscious, blood dripping from many deep gashes in his arms as Bakugo glared at Dabi, pressing Todoroki to his chest.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dabi asked, his voice deep and monotone as he narrowed his turquoise eyes at ruby ones, inching closer as Bakugo tightened his grip on Todoroki, his palms slowly heating up. "Rescuing a classmate on your own from villains seems risky, don't you think?"

"Fuck off!" Bakugo hissed as Dabi lifted his chin, two pairs of eyes glaring daggers into the latter. "Why the hell would you kidnap him, anyway? Icyhot should have no interest in you foul pieces of shit!"

Dabi growled, blue flames licking his arms, "Our reason doesn't concern you, boy. Now, drop him before I reduce you to ashes..." His body was engulfed in blue flames, threatening Bakugo as the room rose in temperature. "I don't want him taken away from me again."

Bakugo smirked, "Better luck next time, bitch."

All Might along with other Pro Heroes crashed through the walls, Eraserhead immediately apprehending Dabi with his capture weapon while Bakugo gave Todoroki to All Might.

Dabi hissed, struggling in Eraserhead's binds, "Give him back to me! He can't go back out with that bastard of a father!!" Eraserhead covered his mouth with his capture weapon, making Dabi scream in anger through the cloth, tears pricking his eyes.

"Hurry up and take Todoroki to the paramedics. I can't hold his Quirk for long," Eraserhead stated, tightening the binds on Dabi, who stopped struggling once All Might left with Todoroki.

No, give him back to me!! Dabi screamed, watching as Todoroki disappeared from his sight, red and blue flashing outside the broken wall. Don't take him away again...please...

Eraserhead blinked, giving Dabi's Quirk back as flames burst from his body, the capture weapon loosening around him as a portal formed below Dabi, making him fall and close as soon as he was through.


Dabi fell face-first into dirt, groaning as he propped himself on his arms, wiping the grime from his face. Shigaraki and the rest of the gang stood before him, clearly pissed at the situation they were in.

"Of course they found us," Shigaraki hissed, his fingers scratching vigorously at his neck. "With one of their most powerful students hostage, it wouldn't take long for them to find him. Kurogiri, take me to All for One. I need a word with him."

Kurogiri nodded, forming a portal as Shigaraki ambled through, the portal closing after him.

Dabi stood, feeling empty as he leaned against a tree, head hung low, "...Where are we?"

Toga piped in, "We're near the outskirts of The Beast's Forest! The same forest where we fought U.A. during their training camp!"

Dabi hummed, sliding against the tree and burying his head in his legs, curled into a ball as tears fell. Everything went wrong in only a few minutes, losing Todoroki in the process.

Mr. Compress spoke, "I know this may seem like a bad time, but Endeavor escaped prison and is on the loose. We'll need to be careful until we find a new hideout."

Dabi's breath hitched at Endeavor's name, flames licking his arms as he imagined the bastard's hands on Todoroki. He wanted to kill Endeavor, dig his grave six feet under and give Todoroki the love he deserves, but now Todoroki is in the hands of Pro Heroes, possibly heavily-guarded at the hospital. It'll take a miracle to get him back, but will Todoroki be the same?

Dabi exhaled a shaky breath, feeling a hand rub his back as his flames died down. Toga was comforting him, kneeling next to him and whispering soothing words to him. He was grateful for her attempt at easing him, but Dabi knew he wouldn't be happy until his younger brother was back in his arms.

A portal appeared once again, Shigaraki stepping out with a better attitude, "Don't worry about that brat. Boss gave us something that'll surely make our plan to kill All Might a success." He presented a syringe full of black, bubbling liquid. "All we need to do is inject this into that brat and let the magic unfold."

Dabi stood, Toga following as they stared at the syringe, "What does it do?" Dabi asked, slightly worried.

Shigaraki smiled, his lips cracking, "Nothing too special. Just a transformation for our new member of the League of Villains."

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