Chapter 7: Escape

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"Emergency! A villain has taken a patient and has severely injured most of the staff! Call the police, move patients, and search for Shoto Todoroki!" Many doctors and nurses rushed about, papers flying and medical equipment rolling from hallway to hallway. One nurse called the missing patient's foster father, notifying Aizawa that his child was kidnapped.


"Why can't everything go smoothly...?" Aizawa begged, ending the heartbreaking phone call before turning to Shinso, who was sitting on the couch playing on ChatSnap again. "Shinso, I need you to stay here. I've just gotten a call and need to go." Aizawa quickly changed into his Hero outfit, adjusting his scarf and goggles before being embraced tightly by Shinso.

"It's Todoroki, isn't it?" Shinso guessed, digging his head into Aizawa's chest. "Something happened and you don't want me to freak out."

To Aizawa, it wasn't surprising for Shinso to guess so accurately. The kid practically felt when something was wrong.

"Yeah..." Aizawa replied, thinking of all the bad things that might have happened to Todoroki. "Let's hope he's okay. The hospital called me and informed Todoroki was kidnapped." At the mention of this, Shinso broke from Aizawa and looked into his dead eyes.

"I'm sure he'll be okay. He's strong. Just remember the Sports Festival."

How could the raven ever forget the Sports Festival? The kid wiped out most of the arena from sheer anger. Sero Hanta was lucky enough to not be split in half.

Aizawa ruffled Shinso's hair, exiting his safety at home before climbing the nearest building and proceeding to head to All Might from above. It was a quick way to U.A. and he wouldn't look suspicious to others because of his dark clothing.


Todoroki woke in a dark room, unable to see anything in sight. The only light was the faint glow from underneath a door. Todoroki knew better than to try and open it. The door would be locked.

He rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room. Todoroki could see a silhouette of a bed, some shelves, and what was upon those shelves. Dread crept up the two-tone's spine as he saw the many blades and reinforcements that were already stained a crimson red.

To pass the time, Todoroki fidgeted with his fingers, concentrating on his breathing that felt like knives every inhale. His eye hurt like hell to open, and his arms didn't feel so great either. Toga did a number on him when he was at his most vulnerable state.

The doorknob turned, light blinding Todoroki as a slouched figure came into view. Two red tubes connected from a hand behind his head. Many behanded hands were clasped around his body like a sort of fashion trend. It was downright horrifying to see.

"Took you long enough to wake up," he said, his voice scratchy and rich. "The name's Shigaraki Tomura. I'm sure you remember me from the USJ incident."

Of course he was the mastermind of villains. Who else would want to waste their time on a pathetic child like Todoroki?

Todoroki tasted something metallic fill his mouth, dripping slowly down his chin and neck. It was clear he couldn't talk, not like there'd be a point since Shigaraki will not give a shit about his complaints.

Shigaraki raised the lights, blinding Todoroki again before he kneeled and lifted the two-tone by the hair. The pain sent in waves through Todoroki's scalp. He resisted the urge to cry as Shigaraki placed five fingers on his neck, chipping away pieces of his skin like lit paper.

The child screamed, the pain excruciating and unbearable. It was like fire ants were crawling under his skin.

"God, you're loud," Shigaraki sighed, dropping the boy and standing back up. "I do have to admit: your voice is like music to my ears. I wonder how Dabi will react when he hears you."

Shigaraki left, slamming the door shut before a click indicated it was locked. How amazing. Todoroki can't escape through the front door.

It's not like the kid wanted to escape anyway. He could barely move and tears have blurred his vision. his body felt on fire, his lungs were filling with blood, and his head spun like a vortex. It was enough of a struggle to keep his eye open. The pain was starting to make his body forget the feeling of his entire being.

Todoroki whined like a pup, trying to speak, but the blood filled his airways and mouth. He began to lose hope of ever surviving and that was fine with him. What was the point in trying to survive when your lungs are filled to the brim of crimson and you can't think?

So, Todoroki closed his eye, lying flat on the cold concrete floor. He was awaiting the Reaper to take him away, bring him to Hell where he belonged and become the slave he was destined to be. It brought a smile to the child's face, imagining being in Hell with other sinners like himself. He could finally relate to someone, maybe becomes friends with the Devil.

That's what he was made for, wasn't it?


Endeavor seethed through his teeth, gripping the bars from his cell. He wanted to use his Quirk so badly to break free from this hell hole, but the chains bound around his wrists repelled that wish. It was aggravating. Endeavor was under suspicion from child abuse because his fucking son had to blurt out what he did to him. The child was going to die; that was a promise.

"I'll kill you, Shoto. Then you won't be able to turn me in." His small words and deadly aura reeked throughout the prison, making other criminals shrivel and shrink in fear.

What could he do to get free? Wait for the next three days until he was released? Perhaps tear off the chains and escape. Training wasn't just for the torturing of his son. It was to beef up Endeavor's muscles for just this type of situation.

So Endeavor pulled his arms apart, straining against the cold metal cuffs with all his strength. He felt a single chain snap, and before he knew it, the cuffs fell apart, hanging limply on Endeavor's wrists. Without the two being connected, they were worthless.

Endeavor melted the metal from his wrists with blue fire, carefully burning a hole through the concrete wall behind his bed and out into the frigid air of the outside world. The smell of dew filled his nostrils, giving the man great confidence in his plan to end his son's life.

If only he did it sooner. This whole thing would've been avoided.

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