Chapter 13: Misguided Promise

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Dabi casually ambled his way into the bar, a cigarette in his mouth. Blood tainted his clothing to resemble his "slaying" of chicks that he did in his free time.

Kurogiri was behind the bar, cleaning a shot glass with a rag while sporting a fresh tuxedo. Beside him were Toga and Mr. Compress, both siping shots of firewater from their third glass.

"Good afternoon, Dabi," Kurogiri greeted, storing the shot glass on a shelf before turning to the scarred villain. "Shigaraki will be back soon. Boss had some business for him. In the meantime, why don't you clean yourself up and have a drink? It might be a while."

Dabi nodded, sitting next to Mr. Compress and downing a shot that Kurogiri had made for him. He enjoyed the burning sensation that crawled down his throat. It reminded him of fire, which brought his mind to Todoroki. He suddenly grew nervous, leaving the boy alone. Dabi wanted nothing but to stay by his little brother's side whenever he could, and sitting stationary in a bar while waiting for someone wasn't helping his mood, either.

His phone rang, and Dabi immediately picked it up, excusing himself outside before answering, "What's wrong, Shoto? Are you okay?"

"I wouldn't say everything's okay, Dabi, especially when you lie to me." Shigaraki's voice was laced with poison through the phone. "We're gonna talk when I get back." He ended the call, and Dabi broke into a cold sweat, cursing under his breath before pocketing his phone and ambling back into the bar. He ignored Kurogiri's questions and Toga's snarky comments on his appearance. Dabi didn't want to deal with anyone right now, and hearing Shigaraki answering as Todoroki's contacts set the fire user into a state of panic and worry.

He paced around the bar, nervous and anxious about his brother's well-being. Shigaraki shouldn't have found him, and Dabi cursed under his breath for being so careless and stealing Todoroki away from Shigaraki, but how could he stay silent when his brother was being tortured right in front of him?

The door swung open, and Dabi stood in place, seeing Shigaraki drag in Todoroki with four fingers on his wrist, the boy quiet and surprisingly obedient. Shigaraki glared at Dabi, motioning with his head to follow him as he entered the black door and into Todoroki's torture room.

Dabi entered, the door slamming shut behind him as Todoroki thrown onto the floor, coughing vigorously as he propped himself on his elbows, though Shigaraki pushed him to the ground with his foot.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Dabi hissed, his hands slowly heating blue at the palm.  "He's just a kid, Shigaraki!"

Shigaraki spun on his heels, the hand on his face hiding his twisted expression as he removed his foot from Todoroki's back, "And the son of the Number Two Hero, at that. Just because he's your lost brother doesn't mean he gets spared!" Shigaraki pulled Todoroki by the arm to his feet, the boy completely silent. "He will become one of us, and I don't care how long it takes, but he will not be treated as though he is a normal kid! Dabi, if I see you helping him again, you're out of the League and your head will be mounted on my wall." He tossed Todoroki towards Dabi, who caught him and knelt to his level, noticing Todoroki's rapid breathing. "Oh, and I suppressed his Quirk for a while, so until it wears off, he'll be staying in here with one meal a day." Shigaraki opened the door and slid through, shutting it harshly after him and leaving Dabi along with Todoroki.

"Hey, hey, calm down, I'm here," Dabi eased, cupping Todoroki's cheeks and forcing him to make eye-contact. "Take a deep breath, okay? Everything will be okay." Dabi demonstrated a deep breath, syncing with Todoroki until his breathing evened and he calmed down. "There. Now, what'd ya say we practice your flames again? I managed to snatch an antidote to Handyman's Quirk suppressor, so let's use it and focus on your flames." Dabi took out a syringe filled with orange liquid, pressing it to Todoroki's neck and pumping the liquid into his veins, making the boy nearly pass out. "Calm down, okay? I know you hate needles, but this will help you gain your Quirk back. I don't want you to die, so we're gonna strengthen your Quirk and mold you into a 'villain,' okay?" The villain winked, indicating his fib during his sentence. Todoroki picked it up, standing as Dabi did the same.

They practiced making Todoroki's flames hotter, accomplishing a pink color until the boy grew exhausted, using his ice to cool off as frost covered his arm.

"Good job, little bro," Dabi complimented, ruffling the boy's hair. "You're making good progress, so try and practice while I'm out on duty, okay?" The villain yawned and ran a hand through his black spiky hair, playing with his ear piercings before ambling to the door, but Todoroki pulled on his silver cuff. "What is it, Shoto?"

Todoroki cleared his throat, his voice scratchy from underuse, "Don't worry about me. I'll become strong and escape."

Dabi smiled, pulling Todoroki into a hug, "I love you, Shoto. You're such a confident and strong boy, and I wouldn't trade that for the world." He ruffled the two-tone's hair again, earning a whine and plead to stop. "Shigaraki might come in the room and try to hurt you, but don't let him corrupt your mind, okay? Remember: you're a Hero-in-training, and no Hero would bow down to a villain." Dabi thought for a moment. "Well, obey him occasionally. He doesn't take likely to people who disobey him, so try not to piss him off. Pretend to become a villain and he'll let you go." The villain raised his fist to Todoroki, who connected his knuckles to the latter with a confident smile.

"I will," Todoroki promised, watching as his older brother left through the door, leaving him alone in an empty and dark room with only a rusty bed to sleep on.

I'll become a villain and kill all fake Heroes.

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