Chapter 9: Reunion

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Shinso felt alone in his room. Smoke was in the kitchen eating her food and Aizawa was asleep on the couch, leaving the lavender-haired male to his thoughts. His mind kept going to his brother. He was in the hospital getting a blood transfusion because of a suicide attempt. Shinso couldn't help but worry.

He drew back to when he was in the orphanage, all the parentless kids picking on him for his villainous Quirk, avoiding and chanting insults. There was only one person that ever treated him nicely: the caretaker. He was a kind man with short brown hair, a fluffy mustache, round glasses, and tan skin. His eyes were always closed, concerning Shinso on how he was ever able to see.

That particular man had the sweetest, calming voice that always put Shinso at ease. The man would stand up for him when kids would push him around. He'd always get dessert after dinner, sleep with the man when he was scared during the night, and hung out with him when the others refused to play with the boy.

Thinking of it now brought a smile to Shinso's face. He loved that man and his kindness. The day he was adopted was the best day of his life, but also the worse. Shinso didn't want to leave that man alone, but he also was excited about getting adopted. In the end, the lavender-haired boy was sent to a new home with a loving father, seeing the man's smile before the doors of the orphanage closed.

Shinso shook the memory out of his head, focusing back on reality. Maybe some TV would relax his tense body.

He headed into the living room, quickly turning down the volume of the TV before it woke up Aizawa. The News channel was on, alerting the public of something Shinso never wanted to see.

"Attention all citizens: a report has been made by Hosu Prison that the Number Two Hero, Endeavor, has escaped prison and is now on the loose. Please stay in your homes and notify authorities if you see him." A picture of Endeavor was shown, his frown showing the burning rage his flames had.

Shinso broke into a cold sweat, shaking his father's shoulders violently until he woke.

"What is it, Shinso?" the raven asked, rubbing his eyes of sleep before seeing his son's horrid expression. "What's wrong...?"

Shinso pointed at the TV, where a headshot of Endeavor laid in the top right corner of the screen while live footage of a search for the man played. At the bottom of the screen, in bold letters read: "Said to have escaped two days ago, using his Quirk to burn the back wall of his cell."

Aizawa's eyes widened as he stared at the screen, his body shuddering. Endeavor had escaped prison, police nor Heroes able to find him. His mind immediately went to Todoroki, who was kidnapped just the day before.

" no no...he didn't...?" Aizawa shut off the News, standing up and quickly putting on his Hero costume and shoes. Shinso looked at him in confusion and worry, knowing that if Aizawa was panicking and moving quickly, something must be wrong.

"Dad, what's going on?" he asked, watching as Aizawa stopped in the doorway. "Is Todoroki in danger?"

Aizawa sighed, knowing Shinso had the right to know everything.

But now wasn't the time.

"I'm sorry, kiddo. Let me clear something up at U.A. then I'll be home for dinner. Please, don't leave the house until I come back, okay?"

Shinso knitted his brows, "Dad, what's really going on? I know you're not telling me everything."

The raven sighed, "Listen, Shinso, I don't have much time right now. When I come home, I'll clear up everything, but right now isn't a good time. Trust me, okay?"

Shinso nodded, giving in as Smoke meowed and rubbed against Aizawa's pant leg. The lavender-haired boy picked her up despite her wishes, holding her tight to his chest as Aizawa left with a slam to the door.

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