Chapter 11: New Looks

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3rd Person POV

For three days, Aizawa has been depressed about his missing son. Shinso constantly made food for the teacher, who spent most of his nights in his room, surrounded in darkness with quiet music playing in the background.

"Dad...? I made dinner." Shinso cracked open the door, using his back to push it farther as he ambled to the raven with a plate of fresh rice and orange chicken. "How do you feel?"

Aizawa sighed heavily, pausing the music and sitting up to take his food, "I suppose better than one can be when they're child is missing, but thanks for worrying, Shinso." He took the food, slowly eating until it was gone. Shinso took the plate and sat it on the bed table before sitting next to his father.

"'ll be okay. Todoroki will come back. I know it." Shinso gave him a closed-eye smile, lying next to Aizawa with his head on his shoulder. "I love you, Dad. Just know that Todoroki loves you too, and wouldn't want to see you depressed about him." The lavender-boy stuck his head into Aizawa's scarf, leaning into his touch and closing his eyes. "Turn off the depressing music and get some rest. I mean, I love depressing shit, but sometimes you need to hear good things."

Aizawa rolled his eyes, ruffling the small boy's hair and pulling him in, "Alright. You need to get some sleep, too. I'm fine with you sleeping with me, but only tonight."

Shinso beamed, thanking his father before throwing the blankets over him and the raven. Aizawa kissed him on the forehead, shutting off the lights with a remote and falling asleep.

Let's hope the police find him tomorrow.


Dabi helped his brother stand, an arm under his and a hand clasped firmly on Todoroki's pale and fragile hand.

Todoroki whined, his legs giving out before Dabi held him close. The boy clutched tightly onto the villain, his eyes begging to take a break. Dabi sighed heavily and picked him up gently, heading to the bathroom to get him cleaned.

"Think you can call me when the bath is full?" Dabi asked, waiting for a response from the two-tone, who was sitting on the lid of the throne. Todoroki shook his head slowly, feeling ashamed he couldn't do anything, let alone speak. Dabi smiled and patted the boy's head, ruffling his hair before standing up. "Then I'll be back. There's something I need to do. Stay here, okay? I'll come back before you know it." The villain patted Todoroki's hair once more before shutting the door behind him, leaving Todoroki to his abusive thoughts.

He fidgeted with his fingers, curling his toes and hanging his head. Todoroki suddenly felt in danger, alone and vulnerable. His abusive thoughts filled his mind, swirling around and manipulating the room. He saw a silhouette of his father, staring down on him with shadowed flames licking his entire body. Endeavor's shadow suddenly grew taller, looming over Todoroki with a pearly, Cheshire Cat grin covering his entire face. Todoroki's breath sped as he tried to back up, but the throne kept him in place. The shadow cackled, mimicking the laugh of the two-tone's father before its hands wrapped around Todoroki's neck, slowly tightening until Todoroki felt choked, putting his hands over the shadow's. The silhouette wasn't physically hurting Todoroki, but it felt so real to the boy, making his body think he was being choked and cutting off his breathing. The male lost contact with reality and began to cry softly, thinking this was it for him; he'll die.

The door opened, Dabi immediately seeing his little brother with his hands around his own throat, face red and eyes only white. Dabi tore the boy's hands from his throat, embracing the boy, who was shaking and crying.

"H-...He...D-Da...d" Todoroki couldn't speak, his throat burning and still tightened. Dabi shut off the bathwater and pulled his brother's head to his chest, whispering sweet nothings and easing words. Todoroki calmed down, his eyes back to their normal selves and his face to color.

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