Chapter Five; try outs

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Sana is so pretty uwu

The meeting spot for the participants is at the kingdom square but once I got there crowds of people were huddled and cheering.

I glance around in confusion until I saw Mina hanging around the crowd in her uniform. I ran towards her, "What's happening?"

"You're just in time." She grabs my wrist and drags me through the crowd. I end up on the stage where a big and muscular fellow flexes his arms while shirtless.

"We have another contestant going against the big guy!" Mina shouts. The crowd yells, desperate for another fight.

"Heh, I should beat you in just one second." He smirked evilly. I gulp in nervousness as I take off my jacket.

We stare at each other in the eyes as we walk around in circles. Each glare can pierce through a normal person and break them down but we've both have gone through things that fierce eyes don't affect us anymore.

"Let's face it, I'm a better bodyguard than you. I can protect with these babies." He flexes his large ball like biceps in an overconfident way.

I smirk slightly, "You sure? Because all you have is a dirty mouth." I run qt full speed towards him and jumped high enough to kick him in the face mid-air.

He held his cheek and stares at me after he gives a wide smirk, "This will be fun."

He charges at me while yelling, I easily avoid it by running to the side then I pounce on his back and choke him with my arms.

His face turns red and gags in the process. He grabs my shirt and throws me across from him. I roll upon impact and decided to go for another strike. 

This time he was ready and grabbed me while I was charging at him, "You think you can defeat me!?" He tightens his grasp on my collar.

I mischievously smirked, "Yeah." I kicked him hard on the balls then punched in the nose.

He stumbles backwards while holding his bleeding nose. The game isn't over until one of us gets knocked out cold and we can use whatever we want to knock each other out if the knights throw weapons inside the circle.

I pick up a rock and aimed it directly at his head while he was too busy mourning in pain because of his broken nose. He falls down to the ground but still partially conscious, I walk over to him and kicked his head harshly, knocking him out.

I exhaled in relief and the crowd cheers for my victory although some people were disappointed at the result and yelled angrily at me the positive vibes emitted from the crowd cheering overweighed the negative ones.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Mina smiling proudly at my success. Luckily I was the last contestant to participate in the fight to the death ring.

I enter the palace all sweaty and dirty from the rough play which caught some strange glances from the royal ladies of the kingdom along with a few guards.

"How did that commoner win that fight outside! The buff guy was definitely going to win. He probably cheated." One of the knights sneered quietly.

"Don't you know this guy? He was a soldier of the past army, the one that general Mina was in! He fought a war before, dude!" The other knight informally responded.

They both watch my moves as I move closer to the throne which other triumphant competitors stood. They defeated at least five or more contestants to get this far. They all dressed nice too, a few of them are from other royal empires to become the princess's guard.

They all kneeled at the same time but I was late to realize. The King stepped on the platform in front of us while we were on a shorter one, like stairs but longer and bigger.

"Rise, please." He spoke politely.

We stood up in unison and stared at the King, he smiles. He turns to sit down on his expensive throne, we watch as his leg goes over the other and his face rests on his palm in a relaxing way.

He stares us down while his other hand combs his thick light brown beard with a few grey hairs entangled in it, signalling old age.

"You all are here today because you have aced our expectations. You have defeated numerous enemies or have reigned triumph on a strong enemy." The king glances toward me.

"Even though some of you may not become the guard of my beautiful daughter due to your qualities, you may choose to have a place in the kingdom. If not you can go back to your normal lives." He smiles at the end.

"Like how we choose our princes, we go through an elimination process. The criteria involved are my daughter's opinions about you, your abilities to adapt, your strength, your intelligence and your past experiences."

"There might be more expectations but those are the ones that are the most important."

"I wish you nothing but the best of luck." The king said.

Right after our arms, were grabbed by the maid of the royal kingdom. They bowed and smiled with a few giggles followed but the maid who was with me showed faint expression in disgust before taking me away to a room.

She leads me into my private room upstairs and it was quite far from the main room of the palace. You had to turn right after the long corridor and when you start seeing a bunch of vases and large windows you are already close but not close enough.

"How far away is it?" I curiously ask.

"Pretty far, filthy trash. You're lucky that your stinky ass is right beside the princess's room." The maid spoke rudely.

I eye her secretly then realized that she was someone I knew, "Hey, aren't my childhood tormentor since childhood?" she rolls her eyes.

"Bully, you mean?" She said.

"Why are you a maid?" I stupidly question.

"Why are you so filthy?" she talked back.

"Geez, calm down, Soojin." we finally arrive in my room.

It was a pretty spacious room and it gave off cozy home vibes with the autumn-like colour scheme. The bed was big and comfortable, it looked like you could at least fit three people on there.

There was a huge closet filled with fancy apparel. There was a shelf, a pretty large desk at the corner of the room, an office chair that rolls around, a soft carpet in the middle of the room but 60% of it is covered by a very large bed.

I scoffed in a surprised manner. It fitted my taste and the warm atmosphere really reminded me of home where Tzuyu and I live.

I even have my own bathroom! I've never had a bathroom right next to my bedroom before.

"You're going to have dinner with the other participants and with the royal family at 8:00 pm sharp. So wear this outfit when coming down." She brings out a fancy outfit from the closet and sets it down on the bed.

It was covered in plastic as protection from any dirt that may stain and ruin the expensive suit, "Don't do anything stupid, and I think it's best that you take a bath before coming down for dinner." she pinches her nose then leaves the room.

"Okay." I raise my arm up and smelled my armpits but quickly retreated because of the horrible scent, "I should really take a bath."

1275 words

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