Chapter nine; casuals

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She was a normal girl. She was just given the responsibility to rule the kingdom. She wasn't expecting it at all.

Such an innocent and bright woman being watched. With that much pressure from the public, your mental state can collapse into an insane maniac. 

But with Sana? She's different. The fact she's telling me this makes me want to care dearly for her.

But surely that's impossible. She has hundreds of maids taking care of her, so why would she need me?

My gaze that was once full of nervousness slowly turns into pity and sadness. My index finger slowly traces the teacup's shape which somehow caught Sana's attention.

"Why are you sad, Y/n?" She rests her chin on to her palm, waiting for my answer.

I raise an eyebrow, "Wha— no, I'm not sad. Why do you ask?"

"You gave off an emotional aura when I looked at you. And you seem very distracted." She adds.

"Oh, really? Sorry about that..." I muttered quickly.

"You're lucky that I have the rest of the day to spend with you." She grins happily.

"So I suggest we go out as casuals, you know?"

My jaw dropped slowly, "W-wha— really? L-like a date?"

"Yes, isn't this supposed to be a date?" Sana teases.

"I guess so..." I mumbled quietly.

"I suggest we change into more comfortable clothes so we don't get easily recognized by the public." She stands up and walks away in a joyful manner.

"I'll see you here again in fifteen minutes, 'kay?" Sana looks back at me with her arms behind her back, "Don't be late."

She skips towards the door and left the garden. I was slouching on the chair with my jaw wide open in a surprise.

I couldn't believe that I was going on an actual date with the heir. A casual date even. No tea parties or fancy dinners. Just out there, exploring the neighbourhoods and experiencing what she couldn't do freely.

My thoughts wandered on before being interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey, are you just going to sit there and stare into the sky?" Mina spoke up.

She smiled, "I heard that you are going out of the castle and walking around in the ghettos."

I gave her the side-eye, "We are not walking around the ghetto. We're just experiencing my part of town."

"Are you serious? There's a big ass city twenty minutes away from here and you're just going to walk around in a small town that's literally five or maybe ten minutes away from here?" Mina exclaimed.

"I mean, it's closer," I added, "and there are lots of great things over there. Like the street foods and the small shops there, "

"Plus, she probably has gone to the big city for some public speaking or some other events," I said.

Mina groaned, " This is the modern age of kingdom ruling and she's literally up for it. This may be the last chance of freedom she ever had before inheriting the whole kingdom." Mina reasoned with me. She has a strong point too.

I sighed, "you have a point."

"Now, I'll go arrange a private driver to drop you off in the city. One more thing, just tell her that it was your idea to go, so she isn't suspicious." Mina winked before leaving.

I groaned after she left, "the only reason I chose my part of town to walk around in is that I know my way around. But with the big city? I'm going to get lost within the first fifteen seconds!" I complained.

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