a spooky janiel halloween!

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*Happy Halloween from the Graceffa-Preda family! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🎃*

👻 Today is HALLOWEEN! 👻

For most of the day, Daniel and Joey have been mostly taking care of the puppies and keeping a rambunctious Eden occupied!

Maria had to go to work for a few hours and Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all had school today!

All of the kids are home from school and they are all outside playing with Wolf, Storm, Lark, Red, Teal, Lavender, Blue, Green, Yellow and Pink!

Maria is now home from work and Joey is currently taking a nap upstairs! Joey is in his third and last trimester of his pregnancy and he is very tired! He can't wait for baby Ash to be born!

Daniel films a clip of Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all playing with Lark, Red, Teal, Lavender, Blue, Green, Yellow and Pink! Wolf and Storm are relaxing in the grass together!

"Don't let them bite you! Say no bite to them, guys!" Daniel says to Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River.

"Okay, Papa!" Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all say in unison happily to Daniel.

"Okay, Papa!" Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna and River all say in unison happily to Daniel

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*Aspen, Everett, Maxwell, Haven, Luna, River and  Eden's outfits*

Daniel closes the sliding glass door and begins to vlog himself!

"Hellur, everyone! Welcome to today's video and happy Halloween! All of the kids just got home from school and they are all playing with the puppies outside! Meanwhile, I am just cleaning up the house a little bit! The house has been a wreck these past few days! Blue leaves us on Sunday, which is making all of us sad, but the kids understand that the puppies new owners love them very much and will take care of them. My mom is currently doing our laundry even though I told her a million times not to. She is stubborn just like me! And Joey is upstairs taking a nap because the last trimester of pregnancy is rough! Joey is very tired! He is definitely counting down the weeks until Ash arrives!" Daniel says to the camera.

"Pa pa! Hiii!" Eden says as she happily runs over to Daniel.

"Hi, Eden! Hi, baby! Are you being a good girl?"

"Ya!" Eden says as she smiles at Daniel.

"You are such a pretty girl! Are you ready to start using the potty?" Daniel asks Eden and Eden gets excited.

"Uh huh!" Eden says as she dances around, making Daniel giggle.

"Eden is ready to potty training! She has been showing us a lot of the signs that she is ready! It will be nice to have just one child in diapers, but if she doesn't get it at first that is totally okay! She isn't even two yet! She is only eighteen months but she is very advanced! But usually our girls potty train quick and earlier then our boys do." Daniel says as he picks up Eden and kisses her twice.

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