luna's pre-kindergarten graduation!

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*Luna graduates pre-kindergarten! Thank you to my bff JustJanielobsessed for helping me write this! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree 😇*

*This was written PRIOR to Covid19!*

Today is Luna's pre-kindergarten graduation!

Joey and Daniel are both extremely proud of their third daughter and fifth child Luna Brielle's accomplishments in school so far!

Joey and Daniel both cannot believe that five of their eight kids have already graduated pre-kindergarten! The Preda kids are growing up so fast!

Luna is currently five years old! Luna's fifth birthday was actually a few days ago and she had a mermaid party! Luna is spunky, smart, a girly girl, a princess and a sweetheart!

Right now, Joey and Luna are both in Luna's bedroom getting ready for her big day! Today, Luna is graduating pre-kindergarten!

Right now, Joey and Luna are both in Luna's bedroom getting ready for her big day! Today, Luna is graduating pre-kindergarten!

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*Luna's pre-kindergarten graduation outfit*

Joey finishes up curling Luna's bright blonde hair with Maria's curling iron.

"I'm all done, Luna! What do you think of your hair style today for your graduation?" Joey asks Luna as he holds up a mirror so Luna can see her hair.

"Wow! I like it a lot! Thank you so much, Daddy!" Luna says happily to Joey as she hugs them.

"You're welcome! I am so proud of you! You are going to be in big kid school next year!" Joey says as Luna gets excited.

"Yeah! Kindergarten! Kindergarten!" Luna says happily to Joey.

"That's right, Luna! You will be in kindergarten!" Joey says with a big cheeky smile.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I put my shoes on all by myself!" River says proudly as he runs into Luna's bedroom to see Luna and Joey.

"Yay, River!" Luna says happily to her little brother.

"Good job, Riv! But they are on backwards! You almost had it!" Joey says as River giggles at Joey.

"Uh oh!" River says as he switches his shoes, putting them on the correct feet.

"Good job!" Joey says as he and River give each other a high five.

Luna then gives River a high five, making River smile at her.

Luna and River have a very close relationship. They have been close since they were very little!

"Okay, Luna and River! Let's all go downstairs! Everybody is downstairs waiting for us!" Joey says to Luna and River.

"Yay!" Luna and River both say in unison with big cheeky smiles on their faces.

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