instagram q&a w/ joey

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*This is a new segment I was thinking about doing in my books! What do you guys think? I hope you guys enjoy this little Q&A from Joey! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 🖤*

*This is a new segment I was thinking about doing in my books! What do you guys think? I hope you guys enjoy this little Q&A from Joey! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 🖤*

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• Did you and Daniel have a good vacation?
(There is a picture of Joey and Daniel relaxing in their suite together. Joey's head is on Daniel's chest and both of them are smiling)

Oh my gosh yes! 😍 It was a short vacay but it was absolutely amazing! We mostly laid around in our suite or went to the beach or the pool! These past few months with the pandemic have been really busy for Daniel and I so this anniversary vacation was amazing! Also, thank you to @msmariapreda and @hkcameraface for holding the fort down! 💙

• What is Daniel doing right now?
(There is a picture of Daniel sitting on the floor next to Ash who is playing with blocks. Ash is smiling at Daniel and Daniel is doing sign language at him)

He is playing with Ash on the floor and he is teaching him some sign language signs! We always teach our babies some basic sign language so they can communicate! We teach them the words more, no and yes usually! 😇

• What is your favorite food?
The homemade pizzas that Daniel makes! 🍕 They are SOOOOOO freaking good! I can eat then everyday if Daniel let me 😂 Even the kids love them! So when all of us want one, Daniel has to make about four of them!

I also love my celery juices as well, I have drank one every day this year! I need help 😂

• Where are the other kids at?
Everett and Maxwell are at @shep689 and @damnitrj's house for a sleep over with their son, Benji!

Luna, River and Eden watching a movie in our movie room! (I think they are watching Ratatouille?)

And Aspen and Haven are making tie dye shirts outside! (Hopefully there isn't a mess 😩)

• What is thrush like?
It is honestly like a wild fire in my mouth. 🔥 It is absolute HELL! It feels like you have hundreds of canker sores in your mouth and you can't put canker sore medicine in your mouth so you have to drink numbing medicine. It is about two months of hell! I have symptoms for about two weeks and then the next few weeks is recovery. It is very draining!

• How do you look so amazing after having eight kids?
GENETICS BABY! 😂 Thanks mom and dad!

But honestly I think it is due to genetics, plus me eating well and exercising throughout my pregnancies!

• Are the kids going to school this fall?
Yes and no! They will go to school two or three days a week (the schools haven't told us how many days just yet) and the rest of the time will be online! The kids are actually EXCITED and HAPPY to go to school and see their friends!

• Anymore Graceffa-Preda babies?
No, I think Daniel and I are happily done! We have four boys 💙💙💙💙 and four girls 💖💚💖💖 and all of them are just so amazing and perfect 😍

• Do you like being pregnant?
I LOVE being pregnant!🤰🏻I feel super happy when I am pregnant. However, I feel like my first and my last pregnancies were the hardest on me! I was more sick and tired.

• Do you still do daddy/child outings like you used to with the kids?
Yes, we do them often! 😘 I say every couple of months I do them with the kids! Daniel also does Papa day outings with the kids as well! However, Daniel and I have both decided to not vlog them or not vlog as much of them anymore. We want to be in the moment and spend much needed one on one time with one of our children! 💛

• What grades are the kids are going to be in this school year?
Aspen - 7th grade
Everett - 5th grade
Maxwell - 3rd grade
Haven - 2nd grade
Luna - Kindergarten
River - Pre-Kindergarten
Eden - Headstart (which is basically preschool but it is more playing with kids)
All of them are growing up so fast 🥺😭

• How are all of the Graceffa-Preda animals?
All of them are doing great and are all spoiled rotten! All of them are very healthy and happy which is wonderful! Our vet bills are a lot of $$$ but it is so worth it to make sure all of them are healthy and happy! We have a whole zoo now as Daniel says 😂 He calls us the "Preda Zoo"  We have 4 dogs, 6 cats and 3 rabbits! There names are Wolf, Storm, Lark, Moon, Yarrow, Sakura, Rowan, Bear, Onyx, Maple, Cocoa, Thunder and Sky. Also, we are done adopting or buying animals unless some random event happens!

• How are you doing mentally?
I feel pretty good, thank you for asking! I was super anxious these last few months with everything going on, but it is slowly going away, thank goodness! I am keeping myself busy by working and being a dad! 💜

• Will Sakura have her own Instagram account?
No, she will be apart of our cats Instagram account that Everett runs with the help of Daniel and Aspen.

Follow Yarrow, Sakura, Rowan, Bear, Onyx and Maple @thecatpac 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

• What was that famous list you gave to Daniel for your first anniversary?
It was a list of traits I was looking for in a partner ❤️ And Daniel fits every single one of them 🥰 I am so lucky to have him as my husband! We actually broke up twice before getting married! We broke up six months into our relationship and then we dated a few years and broke up for about a year before we dated another two years and got married 🌈. The universe always finds a way for us to be together and I am so grateful we are together forever now 😇

• When did Haven find out they are non binary?
Haven has said to all of us that they always felt like they weren't a girl but they didn't know how to express it! 💛🤍💜🖤

Daniel and I both have the belief that you are born the way you are for a reason and that God made you who you are! 😇

• Is Ash a Daddy or a Papa's boy?
He is honestly he is both and I love that! Some days he wants to cuddle with me all day and some days he wants to cuddle with Daniel all day long.

He is the literal definition of the youngest child 😂

However, I think he is a Nonna's boy the most! Ash is always with his Nonna and their bond is so close it makes my heart melt! ❤️

• What is your favorite Harry Potter movie?
My favorite Harry Potter movie is the first one which is called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! I have watched that movie so much that I know basically all of the lines 😂

• What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is Teal! And isn't funny that Moon's color name was Teal? 💙

• What is your favorite Panic! At The Disco song?
My favorite Panic! at the disco song is Trade Mistakes from the Vices & Virtues album! 😊

• What is one thing you love about Daniel but don't tell him a lot?
How devoted he is! He will do anything for you or anybody! He does so much for me and the kids and I am so grateful to be his 😭

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