Chapter 3

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10 minutes earlier | School hallways

Was our friendship that we had all built off lies? Why did he hide his ability all this time? And why did he beat all those royals so brutally? Is it because he doesn't like the hierarchy?

Sera thought to herself. What was real and what wasn't? She found a new side of him that she couldn't imagine. As she was walking in the empty hallway, she was accompanied by Evie, which couldn't stop worrying about her friend having her face as pale as a ghost

I remember him talking about how much he hated the hierarchy the last time we hung out outside school

"H-hey Seraphina, are you alright?" Asked Evie. She noticed that her friend wasn't even paying attention to where Sera was walking "What's wrong? Is it because you were shocked that all the royals were defeated?" Evie was clueless. She didn't know the cause of Seraphina's despair, yet tries to lighten her up anyway

"No it's not that... Evie can you leave me alone for today? I just need to clear my head off for a bit"

"O-Okay... Sure" Evie nodded. She probably thought that it was the best thing to do for now

After Sera continued walking in the hallways, she began to notice the hallways were starting to get crowded. And based off of what happened today morning, all the students were surely gossiping nonstop

"Did you see how Joker fought them off? He literally defeated the Queen and King with a broken arm?"

"Yeah, I did. Don't you think it's scary that someone that powerful has been hiding among us this entire time? Who do you feel like we should actually avoid?"

"How the heck should I know? Probably anyone, to be honest"

But Sera wasn't paying any attention at all. She was still absorbed in thought as she was walking. She vividly remembered the conversations she had with John's dad, William

Now that I think about it... There were a lot of hints that suggested that he wasn't powerless. Is that why he refused to get his ability gauged at the mall? He was also able to sense someone invisible following us?

"So, out of curiosity... of the two of you, who is stronger?"

'Is that why he said that? Does that mean that John's dad is also powerful? The dots were finally starting to connect the more she thinks about it

'And Arlo... Why didn't he tell me about this sooner? How long did he know about this? Is that why Arlo and Elaine were at John's house while I was unconscious? So john did call Arlo after all... Does Arlo listen to John's orders?'

I saw Doc bringing the royals to the infirmary early in the morning, maybe I should go ahead and talk to them


Before Sera entered the infirmary, she could overhear the royals talking about John inside the infirmary through the door

'So they knew? They all knew!? Why did no one tell me about this? Do I mean nothing to them? Why am I being kept in the dark all by myself?'

She was shocked. They all kept it a secret from Sera. Before she knew it... she was furious, standing before the infirmary door. But she also had tears flowing out of her eyes... thinking that her whole life here at Wellston was just a giant lie

She brushed the tears off her face, and took her time to regain her composure... She took a deep breath and exhaled it swiftly, when she finally decides to enter the infirmary *creak*

All attention was suddenly focused on Seraphina... Joker's only friend


*Joker The New King - Ch 3 End*

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