Chapter 15

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10:33 PM, Magdalen, In an alley

John and Remi took Kalen to a certain alley, after he already called the certain drug amplifier dealer. 

"It's been about 30 minutes now Kalen... You better hope whoever it is that you called is on their way right now" Said John

"Don't worry she will come... Why do you guys even want this boost anyway? You're already this strong!" 

John chuckled, disgusted by his words "Yeah... Said the guy that still got a boost even though he's already the strongest in town" John said sarcastically 

Kalen sighed loudly, and realized he made a fool out of himself "Fine... you got me"

Remi on the other hand was just spacing out by herself, worried of what might come. It's not clear whether the dealer would be Volcan again, or someone that's completely stronger than her

'W-wait, why am I nervous?' Remi thought 'I have John with me right now! There is no chance that this could go badly. I should probably hide somewhere... I can't let her see me, or else, she'll instantly be alerted'

"Hey Black... I think I need to hide somewhere because the person that Kalen just called might be the same person I had before" 

"Fine... Do your thing I guess, I don't really care" Said John arrogantly. His hands on his pockets as usual

"Wait... you two have met her before?" Asked Kalen, but as soon as he finished his question, it was too late. They heard  footsteps coming just outside the alley.

The woman sighed "I should've known it was you again, but who might this young man be?" Volcan asked, switching her sight to John

"Volcan!" Kalen butted in to the conversation "U-Uhm... these kids were just wondering if they can buy some of the stuff you're selling"

"Kalen, I thought you would be at least smart enough... But to be fooled by some youngsters, is just disappointing"

"W-WAIT! It's not like I have a choice--!"

Without hesitation, Volcan took out her hands from her pockets and attempted to stab Kalen just the way she did to Alana. But Remi was prepared this time, and decided to take action early. Remi shot a bolt of lightning before Volcan's claw reached Kalen. She activated her ability and dashed backwards

'Phew. I almost lost another person there... I don't want anyone else falling victim to the likes of her' Remi thought, slightly proud of herself

"You..." Volcan mumbled "I thought I taught quite a bit of lesson to you... and where are your friends? On the roof again? They did do quite a number on me, and I'd like to pay them back for it" 

Volcan chuckled, but Remi ignored her "Hey Kalen! Go and hide somewhere, but don't go too far... got it?" Remi demanded

"O-Okay... Thanks for saving me uhm... Pinky" Said Kalen awkwardly, but deep down, Remi knows that he's somewhat grateful fo her actions

"Its nothing..." Remi gave off a genuine smile

'So there are still good things left inside people. It's just that this world and the system that's forcing people to be ruthless'

John finally stepped in to the action 'Fire claws huh? Is that it? Or does she have anything else? Guess I'll just go and find out for myself' He thought

"Pinky... Electrocute the ground again" John demanded

Remi nodded, and electrocuted the ground again...John expected Volcan to jump, but she didn't. Instead, she neutralized the lightning with her fire

'So her fire is stronger than Remi's lightning? This is getting a bit annoying... Let's see if she can dodge this though'

I went and shot a homing beam to her, but she dodges it with ease, and went straight to Remi 'So she has a speed buff as well?'

Remi barely dodges her claw and had a bit of fire spreading on her shoulders. After that, Volcan backed away from us

"Argh!" Remi groaned

"Pinky you okay?"

"Huh? you're worried about me?" Remi asked surprised

"Okay now you're just getting full of yourself" John said irritably

"Young man..." Volcan interrupted us "It appears that you have also energy beams on your arsenal, but its a different color. Can you perhaps copy an ability?"

'Fuck... I didn't think this through' John thought. He got a bit annoyed that he was found out. He didn't know that she's aware of Blyke's ability

John ignored her questions, but at the same time relieved. Because now, he didn't feel the need to hide his true powers anymore. So he decided to copy Volcan's power

"So I was right..." Said Volcan "Black flames huh? Not bad"

"That calming voice of yours is going to change real quick once I defeat you" John said arrogantly, but suddenly... he felt a slight tap on his shoulder

"Hey Black... As much as I want to avenge my brother, we need her to answer some questions for us... So don't overdo it" Said Remi worried

"Don't worry" John smirked "I'll just teach her some quick lessons"

*Joker The New King - Ch 15 End*

15 Chapters and still going strong :D Thank you guys!

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