Chapter 19

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11:37 AM, Wellston Press

Cecile POV

I was just looking over the what the members of the wellston press submitted today and not to my surprise, it was all about 'Joker The New King'

*sigh* this is like the 50th time this week! Do they not get the hint at ALL? I don't want ANY news about the Joker! John will ruin me if I do that... Speaking of John, what is he even doing? Why is he still pretending as a cripple? Does he not want the King title THAT badly? I don't get him at all...

*creak* I heard someone's coming in

Geez... Speak of the devil *John entered the press room*

"Cecile... So? How is it? You finally got your position back! But whats with that face? You look so down" John said

"*sigh* It's just these stupid students... Writing all this news about you everyday even though i CLEARLY ignored all their submissions"

"Oh come on... ALL you need to do is ignore them... That's not hard at all"

"Anyway John... What makes you come here today? I asked

"You see... I was having breakfast with Sera and her friends today. And a guy named Terrence acted suspicious while sitting on a table with us. Like he was scared or something. Can you find out some info about him?" John demanded

"What? Why are you still hanging out with Sera? She doesn't even have her ability anymore... On top of that, you hang out with MORE low-tiers?"

I regretted saying those words... Because John eyes were suddenly glowing, staring down to at me

"Cecile... I didn't come here to listen to some bullshit. What I do is none other than my own business. Just get some info on a guy named Terrence" John started to get irritated

Ugh why does EVERYone wants to know about Terrence... First Remi, then Arlo, and now John? Give me a break. But if John finds out that I'm lying I'll be screwed. Should I just tell him everything?

"Well actually John... The reason I know your real identity is actually because of Terrence"

"W-What? How?" Said John surprised

"He recorded a conversation of Arlo and Elaine while they were talking about you"

"And they were stupid enough to let him record it?! How did Terrence do it?"

"It's because his ability is perfect for snooping around. His ability is invisibility so basically Arlo and Elaine had NO WAY of knowing"

I see John's face suddenly looking pale, like he just looked at a ghost or something

"Hey John... You okay? I asked

John POV

What? Invisibility? Could Terrence be the same guy that followed me and Sera after Sera gauged her ability at the mall ages ago? I need to investigate him. Should I tell Sera about this? No... Hiding more things from Sera is probably the LAST thing I should do

*Chapter 19 End*

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