Chapter 74

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"What do you think?" Sera began, putting down her foot to the unconscious member of EMBER "Should we hand him over to my Sis?"

Twenty minutes earlier, when Sera punched Marsa right on her face, it was enough to threaten her to call the drug dealer. She knew she had no chance of surviving if she had resisted. Sera knew that Marsa was amplified, just by taking a look at the injections on her arms was enough

And when the dealer was summoned, without a warning, John elbowed him without him even realizing it. There was no point in questioning them because they already know the authorities stupid motives

"Hold on..." John said, "Check if he have some sort of a power neutralizer in him"

"Huh? What's that?" Sera raised an eyebrow

Power neutralizer, the vial that John and Remi gave to their first target named Kalen. It took away their amplified strength, and they would turn back to normal. Luckily, he had a vial in his pockets, and immediately told Marsa to drink it

"Here, drink this" Sera demanded, while showing Marsa the vial

"H-huh? W-what's this?" Marsa asked while her body was trembling

"Just drink... and don't ever mess with the town again"

When Sera thought about it, neutralizing her powers was big enough of a punishment. Because then, all the people will resent and hate her, to the point where they would kill, and she couldn't do anything about it now that Marsa's not that strong. But Sera couldn't care less, because there's a good chance that Marsa had killed someone in her life, probably many

Sera returned to John that was watching over the member of EMBER

"Did you start to agree with your sister?" John asked. Does the way she wanted to erase his powers means she agrees with her sister?

"I don't know..." Sera quietly said, "At least, I want to see it for myself"

John didn't respond. It was his first time seeing Sera full of curiosity written on her face,  other than how she wanted to know how to gain her powers back, this was something new

And so, John carried the unconscious body, "Alright, let's go then"

And so, John carried the unconscious body, "Alright, let's go then"

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ZetaSci | 10:34 PM

"This is the building?" John asked, a bit surprised by how small it was

"Figures. They didn't want to stand out" Sera answered the obvious, but as soon as John stepped closer to the entrance, she grabbed his shoulder to stop him "Wait a second..."


"We can't just barge in like an idiot" Sera blatantly replied. They both were practically already hiding in the dark, avoiding the bright lights, but she was still hesitant. She's not sure if even the employees inside even knows who or what they're working for themselves

Sera pulled out her phone and called Leilah, hoping that she would at least still be working at this late hour *beep...beep*

Please pick up... *Click!*

"Sera...?" The sound of her sister always startle her for some reason. She has yet gotten used to it "How have you been?"

"O-oh... I'm fine" Sera nervously replied, "Uhm, are you still working?"

"I was just about to head back. What's wrong?"

"The thing is... I'm at the front of the building" Sera tried to explain the the situation as short as possible, and asked if it's save to head in to the building. Although the line went silent for some solid seconds, Leilah told her to head in alone without John. Sera was a bit reluctant at first, but she decided to head in with the body

"So... You're saying I can't go in with you?" John asked, a bit disappointed

"My Sis only trusts me after all" She replied. She did say that day that she decided to trust me, and when I told John about how my sister was a superhero, it felt like I betrayed my sister a little bit. I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't have told anyone about that

John sighed loudly, and gave up without trying to reason "Alright, it's whatever..."

Sera felt quite bad about leaving him behind, but it was needed. She entered the building carrying the unconscious person, and she was surprised that Leilah was already waiting at the main lobby with a mad but also worried look 

"Sera... how did you get him?" Leilah asked, "Don't tell me you're a superhero?"

"I..." Sera avoided her gaze "I am"

It was obvious, but Leilah still somehow expected a different answer "Sera, I know you're strong. But it's a dangerous world out there—"

"You're not my mom" Sera met her sister's gaze with an irritated look "I can do whatever you want"

Leilah didn't expect that, but hearing it made her realize. All this time, she wasn't there by her side, even less than their mother. So what makes she think she lecture her little sister around like that? "I'm sorry... I was just worried, that's all"

They left the conversation at that, which created this awkward and tense air around them

Sera looked around,  and noticed a lot of high tech stuff being showcased in the main lobby — a way to greet visitors, or to throw off any suspicions. But what she also noticed was that all the people that was around didn't seem to suspect anything with Sera carrying a body around with her

Maybe they know what they signed up for, after all? Does that mean that they all follow my sister's ideology too?

Sera trailed behind Leilah to the elevator, and her sister pulled out what seemed to be card to access the floors, but... she didn't press any. For some reason the elevator moved regardless, without any buttons lit up

When the elevator opened again, Sera noticed that there were no windows around. Are we underground? She thought. The interior didn't seem to be that much different. There were still employees around here working

"Sera..." Leilah began, "Does this mean you support me?"

"I don't know..." Sera avoided her gaze, but then noticed that there were lots of symbols signaling hazards — specifically toxic hazards

Seeing them sends chill down her spine. It almost looks like we're the villains...

But then Sera realized something, and stopped her steps. No. We are the villains, in some people's eyes

"Sera, what's wrong?" Leilah called, "I know it's a bit scary"

"Oh no... it's not that. It's nothing"

*Joker The New King - Ch 74 End*

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