Chapter 8

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Boys Dormitories, John's room

"W-What? Apologise to her? But why should I do that?" 

John asked surprised. There was no way he could apologize to that oblivious girl behind that irritated expression

"Like I said John. Remi doesn't deserve this. Even when I was Injured from that whole falling down the stairs incident, Remi helped me and carried me to the infirmary when no one else would"

"But I just needed to beat those royals just to show how useless these high-rankers really are!"

"John, I don't know what your motive is... But I just want you to at least apologize to her... Please" Sera desperately asked. It seemed like she really wants him to apologize

"Maybe you're right. I don't know Remi well enough compared to you... But she's so stupid. She doesn't even know how the world works. Remi didn't even know that Low-Tiers are getting abused everyday by the hierarchy. She thinks that schools are the safest environment in the whole world... can you believe that?" John replied.

"Then just tell her what the problem is... all the wrongs with the school and the hierarchy. You can both just talk things out without getting violence involved. I don't like this part of you... The John I like is calm, careless, confident, and funny. Right now... you're like a stranger..."

Said Sera while avoiding eye contact with him. He hasn't shown Sera this part of him before. Easily angered and provoked. John ended up surrendering to Sera's request and agreed with a loud sigh. He's been lying to her all this time, the least he could do is listen to her and apologize to Remi. But still, this was just too much for him to handle

Later the same night... Girls Dormitories


Remi yelled in pain. Her stomach still hurts badly from this morning from when John punched her in the guts, and kicked her back to the ground... even though Doc and Elaine already helped her recover

What should I do, now that the school is in panic and knows that we're not the strongest anymore? Should I just let things be as they are?

Remi thought, even though there's no way she could do something about the situation. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door *knock....knock*

'Hm? Who could be visiting me at this hour? Maybe Blyke and Isen?'  

She got up from her bed and went ahead to open the door *creak* "J-John? And Seraphina? W-what are you guys doing here?" Remi asked nervously. She didn't think that she would see John twice on the same day

"Remi... can we come in?" Asked Sera

"Uhhh... S-Sure"


"So Remi... John and I decided to come here to apologize to you" Sera stated

Huh? A-apologize? John actually wants to apologize to me? Did Sera already talk to him?' 

Remi questioned it. Maybe it was solely because Seraphina asked him to. Does he really only listen to her? But Remi can still see behind John's expression that he doesn't want to. But she didn't feel like her actions were acceptable as well

"I... I feel like I should apologize too... I've been too oblivious to know what's happening in the school that you two had to go through such rough times"

John sighed loudly "No... I want to apologize to you, but there's one thing. Two days ago you said that you can make the school better but had some 'personal issues to deal with'. What was that about?" John demanded an answer. He really wanted to know if what she's been doing was justified to her absence

'Crap...'  Remi thought. She didn't see that question coming. It was really out of the blue 'Should I actually tell them the truth and say that I've been doing super hero stuff? But what if they snitched on me? No... I know Sera won't do that. But If John found out that I lied, he probably wouldn't trust us even more'

"A-about those issues I mentioned, John... I've been actually doing..." Said Remi nervously, stopping mid-way through her sentence

"Doing what?" John demanded an answer

"I've become a superhero to pursue Ember"

"What?!" John and Sera simultaneously shouted

*Joker The New King - Ch 8 End*

I got lots of plan for this fanfic and I hope you still enjoy it

Thanks for reading :)

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