Ramen shop

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Boo Seungkwan loved his job. He worked in a decent-paying ramen shop, and he enjoyed every second of it. He loved greeting all his customers, especially all the regulars; they were practically his family. He loved how people's faces lit up when they were greeted with the familiar bowl of warm noodles. He even loved his grumpy manager/store owner, who was elderly and stern, but still smiled with care and concern despite his anxieties and worries. And most importantly, Seungkwan loved meeting new people. Seungkwan was the definition of an extrovert. Talking to others was simple to him, it was like second nature. He could make people smile and laugh at his corny jokes with no problem, he especially loved it when he managed to crack open the tough exterior of some very, very introverted people, like his friend (now best friend) Wonwoo. And if there was one thing Seungkwan was good at, it was building relationships. Not just his own, but with others. Many called him a matchmaker, he had an eye for seeing who would turn out to be the best couple, like sweet Jisoo and hyper Seokmin, or workaholic Jihoon and chill Soonyoung. But sometimes, Seungkwan wished he had someone...someone just for him. Someone who would make him laugh and smile on a bad day, someone who would care for him when he was ill, someone who would put their arms around him and say 'I love you' to him. Someone who would be there for him.

The bell to the shop sounded cheerfully, and Seungkwan's head shot up, a gentle smile melting onto his adorable features. There stood a boy, and boy was he hot. He had a well-defined American look, definitely a foreigner. He looked charming and welcoming, obviously one who was popular with the ladies. He ran came in, out of breath, as if he had run over, pink cheeks and nose made Seungkwan think:" Cute". The stranger made his way to the counter and placed his order. He dug through his pockets for money, and Seungkwan reached for the cash, their fingers brushing ever so slightly, but the contact made. Seungkwan blush as red as the stranger. 'S...sorry," Seungkwan stuttered. He felt like giving himself a face-palm. Why was he stuttering? He met hot guys like him every day. Too embarrassed with himself, Seungkwan checked the man's order. One bowl of kimchi ramen. No problem. He was almost ready with the noodles when the stranger's phone dinged. The man looked startled and glanced at Seungkwan. "I'm sorry, I really have to go," And with that, he rushed out the door. And as he left, Seungkwan wondered why he felt slightly disappointed.

Closing time came quickly, and Seungkwan had not failed to realise that he had been looking out for that stranger the whole time. He wiped a table harshly, harder than he anticipated when the doorbell rang. 'Sorry, we're close-" He began, then he saw the boy from just now. 'I'm sorry for coming at this time, but could I have that bowl of ramen now?" The boy looked exhausted and very hungry. Seungkwan had a mental debate before he gave in.

"Have a seat, give me a moment."

A piping bowl of noodles was pushed in front of him, and the stranger immediately wolfed it down. Seungkwan, with nothing better to do, sat before the stranger. In an attempt to start a conversation, he started, "What's your name?"

The boy looked up, a little surprised, before regaining composure and answering, "Hansol, or Vernon." Seungkwan smiled a little. 'Hi Hansol or Vernon." Hansol let out a laugh, and the two chatted like close friends. And that made Seungkwan feel like he just ate a whole bowl of warm ramen full of happiness and contentment.

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