AN: Short and bad i'm so sorry
"Food for thought?" Mingyu says, offering Seungkwan a small bag of chips. Snatching it away, Minghao tears it open, then takes a look around. The classroom they were in was desolate and silent, the only noise from an empty plastic bag drifting across the dusty floor. And the only people in the room were the four of them, Minghao, Seungkwan, Junhui and Mingyu. Mingyu sneaks a chip into his mouth and plops down on the seat opposite the others. "Whatcha guys thinking about?" The giant asks. Seungkwan thoughtfully munches on a chip. "If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?" "Weak." Minghao throws out quickly.
"Strong." Junhui disagrees.
"An idiot." Mingyu sighs.
"Weak," Minghao glares at Junhui.
"Strong!"Then if I cut my leg off and swing it at you, am I kicking or hitting you?" Seungkwan quickly says.
"You'd mentally scar me more than anything, Seungkwan," Mingyu replies."Well, that's a valid point," Minghao quips.
"Yeah, it's like all those philosophical things, like if a tree falls in the forest with no one to hear it, does it make a noise?" Junhui says.
Minghao stares at Junhui. "When did you get so many brain cells? Phi-lo-so-phi-cal, that's a lot of syllabuses. Congratulations Junhui, you have the mental age of ten now!"
"Why do I bother hanging out with you idiots?" Mingyu wonders.
"You love us!" Seungkwan says.
"You love me," Minghao corrects.
"I love you, Hao," Junhui teases.
"Minghao pushes Junhui off his chair.

A bottle of stardust (SVT)
FanfictionA little collection of short seventeen stories I wrote :)