Fairy-tale ride

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"How is today's situation like?" Junhui asked Minghao carefully, leaning against the steel railing. His hand found its way into his pocket and produced an empty cigarette box. The older Chinese male sighed and tossed it to a side. He decided to amuse himself with his lighter as MInghao decided. The cars sped by. "Low," Minghao murmured. Junhui could tell. The other wasn't paying attention to anything Junhui said, just kept looking down, fingering his jacket sleeve and then staring longingly into the distance. Minghao didn't say anything for a while, and neither did Junhui. Junhui's fingers began to tap on the metal bars, trying to follow a rhythm he played in his mind, a habit he is unable to stop. Minghao's worn earphones were dangling around his neck, and after a while he plucked one up and pushed it into his ear. He offered Junhui the other and Junhui gingerly accepted it. Minghao's slim fingers deftly ran over his phone screen, spiderweb cracks littering the screen. The younger chose his song, and let out a long breathe. He usually listened to the first Chinese radio station he came across, as most Chinese songs were slow and sad at this time of the night. But instead he chose to listen to the same calming Korean song he loved as a fourteen-year-old, setting it on repeat. And Junhui let the soothing deep voice of the unknown singer wash over him, over the sound of cars quietly making their way home. They let their eyes close and Minghao had a bittersweet thought

 "At least I'm not the only one on this fairytale ride."

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