Chapter 37 Shadows Weaken

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Ventus looked over and saw Roxas fly at a glowing member, with a giant sword. He moved around in a flash of light, but the other moved just as quickly. His yellow eyes glowed within his hood with power. Roxas struck again and again, Saix deflected his hits every time. Roxas was beginning to slow down, Saix only became stronger with rage. That gave him the chance for his final assault. A stream of blue light surrounded him, charging with power. Roxas watched in terror as he raised his sword and brought it down on him. Knocking him to the ground.

"Roxas!" Axel's blade started to burn with fire. "Why would you do this?!"

He bolted forwards to fight back Siax. He rushed at Axel.

Hato ran over to Roxas. She knelt down by his side and rolled him over. His keyblades lied by his sides.

"Roxas, wake up." She tapped his face.

He opened his eyes. "I think I'm gonna be out for the rest of this fight."

"You're going to be alright... We just all have to stay strong to keep going, to the end." Hato cast cure on him.

There was a green glow, then it vanished. Roxas looked better now. "Thank you Hato, but, I don't know if the future looks bright for us."

He tried to sit up but he just fell back down. "I still, don't feel too great."

"It's alright, you can sit this one out for awhile. I will watch over you, no matter what." Hato lifted her blade and looked to Axel and Saix battling.

"No matter the cost." Roxas said.

Flames surrounded Axel as he fought Saix. He struck again and again but Saix deflected the attacks. Axel was forcing him back.

"How could you hurt them!? How could you hurt me? You knew even back then that the Organization was evil. You could have joined us... But you didn't, you wanted to keep following their lies! Why did we have to chose only one. Why couldn't we have saved them both?" Axel spoke.

"There, was... Another?" Saix paused from fighting.

Axel looked at him with disbelief, then with anger.

"It was Xion! How could you forget her!?" He shouted.

"No, that is not what I meant." He answered.

"Then what do you mean?!" Axel struck his Keyblade down, Saix blocked it.

"She is here, but she is with us." Saix spoke.

Axel stopped pushing him back. "No..."

"She is not the same. She is broken. There is no way for her to ever remember, she doesn't even know who she is... She is the pawn that Xehanort wanted. The thirteenth vessel." Saix responded.

Tears started to form in his eyes. He lowered his Keyblade to his side. A short cloaked figure watched nearby.

"Axel no!" Roxas yelled.

Saix brought his blade back and struck him. Axel was hit and flew back, landing hard on the ground.

Roxas and Hato watched in disbelief.

Saix turned his gaze to them. Hato readied her blade. He launched forward and raised his blade over his head. Then he brought the massive blade down. Hato blocked the blow, Saix was pushing down. Hato fell back and landed on Roxas as she was still blocking the assault. Hato was struggling to hold him back. Roxas dropped his blades to help Hato push Saix back. She screamed. She was beginning to lose strength. The blade got even closer to their faces. Saix was incredibly strong compared to them. And they were already wounded. They stared into his yellow glowing eyes, he showed no emotion.

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