Old house memories

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Sometimes I miss my old state at where I used to live to be honest. I miss some of the old memories that I used to have at my old apartments and houses. Believe it or not actually, even if I've moved 4 times in my new state it isn't nearly as much as how many times I've moved in my other state.

The only difference is that I've moved a couple of times over here faster for the past almost 3 years that I've lived here.

I mean, I miss the big old house that my mom and dad lived together in before they divorced even if most of my memories are faded..I can only remember tiny parts of the times that I had there though.

It's not nearly as faded as the other house that was close to a really old park that my mom came across at one point 3 years ago, but it's faded because I was at least 2 years old or younger than that.

Even if my abuser lived with me, I do remember an apartment my dad and him had shared and when I used to feed the ducks near the lake..and then tripped down the stairs hehe.

My dad's old apartment where I shared a room with my brother, my brother and my dad, and my Nana's house even have memories.

Hell, I even miss the somewhat fancy apartment of where my mom used to live since I'd play and run around in the grass outside or sit at the small picnic table with a big umbrella that I had. Or when my brother and I shared a bunk bed and I'd use a blanket to cover my side of the bed since I was on bottom.

I remember hearing my mother sing a lot or watch my brother play his games on the huge Tv that we had. Hehe, I've even had one incident of where I slipped and hurt my head badly and almost had a concussion..sheesh that hurt like hell, I was even sick so that went well..

Or the time we had to move to the other apartment where I rode my scooter and learned how to walk to school and stuff..

There's so much memories though, I can't fit them all in this one chapter either! xD

But if I'm going to be honest, as much as I miss the memories that I had in my old homes that I used to live in including the one before moving, I'm actually mostly glad that I've moved. Sure, the area of where I live at may not be the best and all,

And maybe my house isn't a two story one where it's all good and a tiny bit high above average kind house,

But I'm still happy that I moved. I've talked about this before I'm sure, but back then I wasn't really a good person as I grew.

Perhaps that probably included my environment to go along with it, the neighborhood that I lived in was a bit of the whole rich spoiled bratty kid type that liked modern things. I was even less appreciative of some things when I was younger.

Now though? Even if it's not like that, I noticed how grateful I've became for the things that I have ever since I moved including little things. I've became more appreciative for things too and even changed and met my group of friends that I love a lot.

Sure it may not be the best like I've said, but others have it way worse than I do. I was grateful for even having a couch to at least sleep on. Others out there have to sleep on the grass in the dirt, you know?

Plus, I have people that I care about here to help and everything. Yeah, yeah..I may not have friends in person but I'm grateful for not being lonely like back then.

As much as I miss my memories though, I'm just still happy for the ones that I've made over here and for the things that I get like a place to sleep at.

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