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"Taehyung sleep now!!!"


"Yeah mom! Sorry!"

I bite my lips and smiled, while looking to my laptop. Here I am, watching his fancam.

"Ahhhhhh my jungkoookieee" - I said lowly

"I hope I meet you soon..."

I smiled and check the time and shookts. It's already 9pm! Shit. I have school tomorrow!

"Aww bye jungkookie, see you in my dreams" - I smiled

I close my laptop then put it in the nightstand. I lay on my bed and put the blanket on me. I sigh.

"When will I meet you..."

I stare at the ceiling, just thinking about him. Yeah.. him.. It's been 4 years since I idolized and I love him.. I don't know but I really really fall in love with Jungkookie not only because of his looks, well yeah.. he's so handsome and cute, he have a muscle, six pack abs.. while me I don't have :( At first, I thought I love him as an idol, but i'm wrong.... I really fall for him... even though I still didn't see him in personal.. even though I really don't know him in person, but I feel and I can see that he's a kind person... and all I know is I love him...

I sigh and smiled sadly.

"Goodnight Jungkookie..."


"Hi Taehyung..."


"Yes, your Jungkookie..."

I was about to hug him but....

"Hey son, wake up!!"

I groan and open my eyes slightly. I pout, ugh my dream is cut by my mom.

"It's morning and you're already pouting, aish, get up, you have school right?"

I sigh and nod at my mom and sit up.

"Mom I'm dreaming and you cut it..."

I pout and my mom just chuckled.

"I think you're dreaming again that Jungkook"

I smiled slowly and nod. She smiled and shook her head.

"Aish taehyungie, come on stand up now"

She smiled and get out of my room. I sigh.

I stand up then go to my bathroom to do my morning routine.



"Hobi hyung!!"

We smiled and hug each other.

"Where are the others?"

He pulled away and smiled at me.

"They're already in our room, come on let's go"

I smiled then we walked and went to our classroom.

"Jiminie! Jinnie! Namjoonie! Yoongi hyungiees!!"

They look at me and smiled. I walk to them and hug them one by one. They chuckled.

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