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"Oh shoooooooot!"

I suddenly shout when I read the message on my phone, the hyungs quickly look at me worried and confuse. Oops sarreh.

"Oh taehyung what's that shout" - Yoongi hyung ask

"Oh, bestie why? Is there something bad happen?" - Jiminie said

"Why tae baby? Tell us hmm?" - Jinnie hyung said worriedly

I look at them and smiled.

"Why cutie?" - Gguk ask

"A-Ah nah sorry hyungs it's just random but hyungs, remember minjae?"


"A-Ah nah sorry hyungs it's just random but hyungs, remember minjae?"

The hyungs just sigh in relief and chuckled while me I furrowed my eyebrows. Who the fuck is Minjae?

"Aish taehyungie, you scared us! Don't just shout in the middle of this street!! aish joonie i'm stressed" - Jinnie hyung said and the hyungs just chuckled while me I just smiled still thinking who tf is minjae

"Here we go again Jinnie" - Namjoon chuckled

"Sorry hyungie" - my cutie pout

"But yeah? We remember minjae, why?" - yoongi hyung ask

"Is he here?" - hobi ask

Taehyung smiled and nod, ugh my heart. He's just nodding but wtf he's so fucking cute.

"Yeah hobi hyung! He's here! Actually he's in my house now"


"Omg really? Good to hear that tae baby! I know he miss you so much"  - Jin hyung said and smile

"I miss him too hyungie!" - tae smiled

Miss? I furrowed my eyebrows and slightly pout while just listening to them.

"I know he's so handsome now, I saw his social media accounts and yep he looks so fine" - Jimin said giggling

"Shut up you shortie" - Yoongi hyung said and the hyungs chuckled while jimin just pout

"Nah just say you're jealous yoongleeees" - Jimin said raising his eyebrows and yoongi hyung just rolled his eyes, I chuckled

"Haha yeah Jiminie hyung is right, he looks so fine and manly now but he still the minjae that I know" - taehyung said, smiling

I rolled my eyes and look away and I hit my tongue in the wall of my mouth. Fucking yes, I'm jealous!

After a seconds I look back to hyungs and I see Yoongi hyung smirking while shooking his head in me. I sigh and just listen to them.

"We're going now, Just say hi us to minjae" - Namjoon hyung said and they walk away

"Bye taehyungiiieee! gguk!" - hobi said

"We're going now lovebirds" - Yoongi hyung said, smiling and I just shook my head, smiling

"Bye bye taehyungieee!" - Jimin said and he pulled yoongi and hobi, they already walk away

"Y-Yeah hyungs" - tae smiling while waving his hands

I bite my lips and look down for a seconds.




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