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- continuation of eleven

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" - I groan and pout then I sit up straight on my bed

Then I remember when Gguk kiss my forehead.


"Aisssshhhhh!" - I groan, blushing

I check the time, it's already 11pm and I still can't sleep. I sigh and just pout. I can't sleep because my mind is still thinking him... I'm still thinking Gguk...

I look at Jungkook's posters at the wall and pout. I don't know but I feel happy and sad at the same time.


I still love Jungkook but now I have a feelings to Gguk... Am I crazy?

I don't know but I felt bad, It's look like I'm cheating Jungkook to Gguk where in reality it's not. LOL I'M JUST FUCKING ASSUMING AND CRAZY. WHAT THE HECK.

a/n: same taehyung, same

I furrowed my eyebrows and sigh, really don't know what to fucking feel. Aish.

"I'm sorry Jungkookie..."

"Y'know you still have my heart, so don't be jealous to Gguk hmm? It's just a crush okay?" - I pout


I suddenly chuckled because of what I said. I close my eyes for a seconds and bite my lips. I fucking look like crazy, talking with his posters.

"I'm crazy, aish" - I chuckled while shooking my head

Yeah.. call me crazy or what but that's really what I feel and I fucking don't know why?

"But don't worry Jungkookie... I'll finally see you! And it's cominggg. Aaaaa!" - I squeal lowly

I smiled and just look at his posters.

Then suddenly.... Gguk's smile flashed on my mind.


I touch my chest, feeling my heartbeat. I smiled and sigh then I lay in my bed.

"Goodnight Jungkook... Goodnight Ggukie..."



"Euphoria ~ Take my hands now.. When I'm with you I'm in utopia.."

"Take a break Jeon!" - Sejin hyung said and I nod, panting

It's already friday and here I am, just rehearsing because it's only 2 days before  my concert. Ofcourse, I need to do my best for my fans and especially to my love, taehyungie.

I sigh and sit at the stage then I took my phone, smiling because I'm thinking him. Aish.

"Should I upload a selca?" - I ask myself

Taehyung's boxy smile suddenly flashed on my mind. I bite my lips and smiled.

a/n: oh shut up our jeon jeon is inluv

I decided to take a picture and post it on my twitter for my love. I know when he see it, he will be happy.

I smiled while typing the caption 'Rehearsal' then I finally upload it on my twitter. I smiled and just stare at my twitter post, then there's so many likes, retweets and comments but I'm waiting for my love to comment.

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