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"Oh how's school?"

I smiled and sit on the sofa. I sigh and look at him, he's raising his eyebrow. I chuckled.

"It's good, I really like it! I already have friends"

Sejin hyung smiled at me and shook his head.


I nod and smiled, thinking of my adorable fanboy. I didn't really know that I have a beautiful and adorable fanboy...

"But why you look so happy? Is there something good happen in your school?"

I chuckled and just nod at him. He sigh and look at me seriously.

"Well..... I just met a new people... I have a new friends.. that's it.." - I smiled


I look at him, still smiling.

"Be careful" - he said in serious tone

I smiled and nod at him, he just smiled and leave me here.

I sigh and rest my back on sofa and just stare at the ceiling. His boxy smile and beautiful cute face flashed on my mind.

"Yeah! My Jungkookie"

I smiled and put my hands on my face, still smiling. I can't wait to go to school again tomorrow..

What is this feeling?

Do I like him? But we just met earlier...

But why do I feel that I want to be with him... I want to see his smile and beautiful face... I want to hold his soft hands again... why...

I sigh and sit up straight, then I intertwined my hands.

"Aish taehyung...."

I smiled and shook my head.



"Please mam, he's not here.."

"No! I know he's here"

I knitted my eyebrows then look at the door. Then it's suddenly open.

"Oh hey love.."

I rolled my eyes and sigh.

"What are you doing here again?"

She just smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you not scared of paparazzi? they can follow you and ruin your reputation and you know that"

She smirk and walk and sit in other sofa infront of me.

"Aww, are you concern?"

I chuckled and look at her seriously.

"Yeah I'm concern... concern of myself"

She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Why you didn't go to school?"

I sigh and rest my back to sofa again.

"I don't want. And it's none of your business"

She huff and stand up then sit beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows and look away.

"Where school did you go?"

I chuckled and look at her.

"I don't want to go to school, so it means I didn't go to any school"

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