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"Oh thank you very much gguk! I thought I lost this ohmygod... really thank you.."

I smiled at her and nod.

"I think that it's really important to you?" - I ask, smiling

"Yes, my boyfriend gave me this that's why i'm so thankful that you found this.." - she smiled and I just smiled at her too

Oh... she have a boyfriend. I'm happy that I found her bracelet.

"Oh wait, I have to go now gguk.. Thanks for this, really thank you!" - she said and waved at me and I nod

Yes, she's Sana. My new friend here in school, I met her in library and she lost her bracelet and I found it on library. I never thought that she have a boyfriend already but I'm glad she have. Wait, do y'all think that I like her??? Ofcourse no! I just being nice to her and my heart still on my adorable cutie.

Speaking of my cutie... yes, I'm ignoring him although it's hurts for me... and the hyungs also know what happen when I'm in his house and they already know that I decided to ignore taehyung so that his feelings for me or for Gguk fade away.... Yes I told them, ofcourse they're my friends...

I know I hurt him.... I know I hurt my baby... I know he's hurt when I didn't talk to him nor look at him atleast for a seconds... but no ofcourse I can't help myself but to look at him when he's not looking at me... It's hurt for me to see him with sad and pouty face... It's hurt for me to see him trying to distract himself for what happening... It's hurts.. but I need to this for us... I want him to love Jungkook only not Gguk...

I sigh sadly and walked to rooftop.

I open the door and my heart beats fast.


I see my angel sitting while looking at his phone, the eyes of my angel... his eyes is swollen a bit and his nose is slightly red.. wait? D-Did he cry???

I look at the hyungs and they just looking at me furrowing their eyebrows with worried on their faces. I blink and gulp and walk and sit beside yoongi hyung.

I glance at my cutie, he's now biting his lips while still on his phone. I look at Jimin hyung and he mouthed 'he cry'. My eyes grew a bit and look at my cutie worriedly.

My angel cry? H-He cry because of me....

"Where were you?" - Jin hyung ask

I look at my cutie and he look down, still on his phone. I felt a pang on my chest and bite my lips. I hurt him... I really hurt him... but I already started it and I need to continue this.. aish! What i'm going to do!

"A-Ah.. I just talk to sana..." - I said still looking to my love who's playing with the hem of his sweater still on his phone

I felt a pang on my chest when I'm looking at him... he's hurt and it's my fault...

"You know you two need to talk.." - Yoongi hyung suddenly said

Taehyung look up and our eyes met.


He quickly look away and look back at his phone, I bite my lips and nod at yoongi hyung. The hyungs smiled and stand up to leave, taehyung look up with confuse on his eyes.

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