twenty eight

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It's already 10pm and here I am sitting in my bed, red eyes and heart still aching. I still can't forget when I see him in my concert with a tears on his eyes... I smiled slightly because I thought he'll not coming but he still comes even though I know he's still don't want to see or talk to me.. I know he's still hurt until now... I can't forget his beautiful face that I missed... he's so beautiful tonight always..

I sigh and I rest my elbow on my knee and my hands is on my face. I bite my lips, feeling tearing up again. My brain saying that I should give up but my heart still saying that I shouldn't give up.. And I'll still follow my heart. I can't give give up because I fucking love him so much. I can't see my life without him. Fuck.

I remembered when I sing One Last Song a while ago, I know that song is look like I'm finally going to give up to him but no... I'll never do that.. I just sing that song for him so that he'll know what I'm feeling right now between us... I love him so much and I'll promised to myself that I'll never give up on him... Never...


I sniff then I wipe my tears and look up. I see my manager smiling at me. I raised my eyebrows and he sigh.

"Come down to pool and we'll talk"

I furrowed my eyebrows and just sigh.

"I'm tired hyung, just wanna rest.." - I said lowly

He sigh and he just smiled.

"Come on Jungkook, just go down on a pool. I'll wait you there" - he said then he walked downstairs

I rolled my eyes and sigh. After a minute, I stand up then I took a white shirt in my closet to wear because I'm shirtless.

After a minutes I walked downstairs then I went to pool.

I sigh and just walking and walking but I stop and my eyes grew big when I see someone who's looking down at the pool.





Oh my god?

Is that....


He startled and he look at me and my heart beats fast more.



Is this real?

Is he really here in front of me?

A-Am I not dreaming right???

He just look at me while playing with his slender fingers. I gulp and just blink with my heart beats fast feeling happy because he's here.... but what is he doing here...





I just look at him, still shock a bit. I want to engulfed him to a tight hug and never let him go again but I can't because I know he will stop me again.... He bite his lips and he look away for a seconds while playing with his fingers. I felt a pang on my chest when I see his beautiful red eyes and red nose with his rose cheeks. He look sad but still he looks so gorgeous...

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