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We're now here at my house. I look at him, feeling shy because of my house.

"O-Oh this is my house, I-It's just small hehe" - I said and smiled awkwardly

"Nah, it's a cute house like you" - Gguk smiled at me

I just look at him pouting and he just chuckled.

"Come on.." - I said then I enter at my house

"Oh taehyu-

My mom suddenly stop when he saw me with someone. She raised her eyebrows and she look at me smiling, I just smiled shyly and scratch my head.

"Goodevening Mrs. Kim"

I startled when Gguk suddenly talk. He greet my mom and mom just smiled and she walk to us.

"Oh my son, you brought a friend or boyf-

"H-He's my friend mom" - I cut my mom and I felt my face heat up

Mom just smiled at me and I just pout at her. I know she's just teasing me. Aaahh.

"Ooohh, he's just a friend hmm?" - Mom ask, smiling


Mom just chuckled and he look at Gguk who's looking at us, smiling.

"Goodevening Mrs.Kim, I'm Jung Gguk.. one of taehyung's friend" - Gguk smiled and he bow at mom

Mom just smiled and nod her head.

"Oooh, such a polite man. Taehyung is right... you're handsome and you really look like his Idol, you really look like Jungkook"

My eyes grew a bit at what mom said. I look at Gguk he's smiling and he raised his eyebrows to my mom.

"W-What" - Gguk smiled

"Oh, my son always talking about you and now I finally met you, I believed in taehyung now" - mom smiled and she look at me


I felt my face heat up more because I feel shy. My god. Now he knows that I'm talking about him to my mom. AISH. I look at Gguk and he look at me for a seconds and look back to my mom.

"Oh really?" - Gguk smiled and he look back at me, suddenly smirking

I look away from him and bite my lips then I glared at my mom with pouting and she just smiled with "sorry" in her face. Ugh, she's teasing me.

"Oh okay, did you guys want to eat? I will prepare dinner"

"No Mrs.Kim, I'm good.. I just take taehyung home.."

I bite my lips and look at my mom who's smiling widely at me. I just pout at her.

"Oh? Excuse me, but are you courting my son young man?"

My eyes grew big and I suddenly shout.


My mom just raised her eyebrows and smiled teasingly and nod her head. I just pout and look at Gguk who's just smiling widely. I felt my face heat up more, I feel embarrassed.

"W-We're going to my room mom.. excuse me" - I said then I walk upstairs

"Excuse me Mrs.Kim.." - Gguk said then he follow me upstairs

I enter at my room and I quickly sit on my bed just playing my fingers then Gguk enter at my room. I bite my lips and just look at my fingers.

"Woah, you have a cute room too"

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