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"So why you didn't confess?" - Yoongi hyung ask

I look at him and sigh.

"I want to confess too.. b-but there's something that pulling me to don't do it.. s-so I-I decided to just keep this feelings for now.."

"Weird" - hobi said

"Aww, so what happen then?" - Jin hyung ask

"I-I didn't finished what I'm going to say to him coz he said t-that It's okay... he said that he just want to let me know what his feelings for me.. s-so that's it.."

They just nod and smiled at me.

"And you two are still good?" - Namjoon hyung ask, smiling

"Y-Yeah.." - I smiled

"I know what's pulling you to don't confess to him.." - Yoongi hyung said

I look at him, confuse.

"Ofcourse his Jungkookie" - Jiminie said

I furrowed my eyebrows, is it him? Is it Jungkook that pulling me to don't confess to Gguk? Maybe?

"Yeah Jimin is correct, but I think the real reason is.. your feelings for Gguk is not like really deep unlike to your Idol.. and you're just waiting to your feelings to grow more for Gguk, am I right?" - Yoongi hyung said, smiling

I don't know but I felt relief and weird when yoongi hyung said that, and I think yoongi hyung is right... I'm still confuse of what is this feelings that I feel for him, all I know is I'm happy when I'm with Gguk and yes I like him too... but yeah, yoongi hyung is right.. I'm just waiting to grow more this feelings that I feel for Gguk... I just want to make sure that it's not infatuation only...

I smiled at Yoongi hyung and nod.

"I think.... yeah, you're right hyung"

"I knew it" - Yoongi hyung smiled

"Aww, I hope your feelings for gguk is grow more... because you know taehyungie, you two are cute and can be a great couple" - Jin hyung said, smiling

"Yeah, you two are good for each other" - Namjoon hyung said

I felt my face heat up and just smiled shyly.




"T-Thank you hyungs.."

"Aw tae baby" - Jin hyung pout and smiled

"For what tae?" - hobi ask, smiling

"Because you're always with me... y'all always support me even in my lovelife, y'all support my craziness when it comes to my Jungkookie, and when it comes to relationship y'all are here with me... Thank you for guiding me hyungs.." - I smiled at them

"Aw taehyungie" - Jiminie pout

"Aish, taehyung so dramatic" - Yoongi hyung chuckled

"Awe, you guys come here and come here tae baby. Let's group hug common!" - Jinnie said

I smiled and they chuckled then we group hug. I'm so happy to have a friends like them.. I'm so happy to have a family like them in my life.


I pout because my baby didn't reply to my last message, he seenzoned me! Aish, but suddenly I smirk because I know and I feel that he's blushing because of the word 'baby' haha.

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