twenty nine

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-continuation of 28

After our little sweet argument he ended in my room. Yes we're just new boyfriends but we already have a first argument keke! Well yeah we argue about room mygod, because he wants to sleep in the guest room but because of me a clingy boyfriend ofcourse I insists, I want to cuddle with him (duh). He keep whining and pouting to me to say yes but ofcourse as a dominant boyfriend, I said no and I win. (wink wink) And I said to him that we're not doing anything unless he want too. (smirk smirk)

Now we're here in my room, he's still pouting while sitting in my bed. I chuckled and he just glared at me.

"That's not the way you look to your boyfriend hmm" - I smiled at him, but he just glared, blushing

"H-How can I sleep with this?" - he suddenly ask looking at his self, playing with his fingers

I furrowed my brows then I look at his wearing then that's when I realized he's still wearing his outfit on my concert. I licked my lips and stand up then I went on my closet to find extra top and pyjamas for him.

I smiled when I see my red silk longsleeve shirt and I quickly took it and handed to him. He then look at me with confuse and I smiled.

"Come on here, wear my shirt so that you'll have a comfortable sleep"

I smiled and he just took the hanger with shirt and he furrowed his eyebrows, while blushing.

"Where is the pyjamas?" - he ask in a so low voice

I chuckled at his cuteness then I took his arms and I guide him to bathroom.

"I'll find it, now go change" - I said and he just nod and went inside of the bathroom

I sigh smiling and shook my head, feeling happiness all over in my heart. I then look and look at my closet to find the pyjamas then after a minutes I find it. I smiled and took it then I suddenly heard footsteps.

"Ggukie where's the pyjamas?"

"Wait hold o-

As I turned around to look at him, I froze and my eyes grew not so big while my heart beats fast.


He's just wearing my red silk long sleeve shirt that looks so big on him and it's just fucking up on his mid-thigh. Thank god that you gave me this opportunity to see him like this and to see his milky long beautiful legs. OH FUCK.

A/N: lol imagine the red dress that taehyung wear on gayo daechukje 2019



I just look at him from head to toe then I just stare at his sexy legs and I can't help but to licked my lips. COZ DAMN HE'S REALLY FUCKING CURVY OHMYGOD. JEON SHIT


I snap my thoughts and I quickly look at his face and he's now blushing. Oh fuck my heart can't take this. He then look down and just play with his fingers, I smiled a bit because I know he's shy. My baby is shy infront of me.

I smiled and put back the pyjamas in my closet. No fucking way, I won't let him cover his legs because damn I want to feel his long beautiful legs when we cuddle. Oh fuck.

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