twenty two

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"Awwww... did we missed something?"

I look up and I smiled at hyungs then they look at taehyung who's still my embraced.

"Taehyungie we have your favorite snaaaaaaacks!" - Jimin suddenly shout

Taehyung pulled away from me then his eyes grew a bit. I chuckled at his cuteness and I rest my hand on his back.

"Waahh, gimme that jiminie!"

"Ggukie say aahh"

I chuckled and I open my mouth and munch the snack. He smiled cutely and I rub his waist softly. Such a cutie. I look at hyungs and they looking at us, smiling.

"Hmm hyungs?" - I ask, slightly blushing

"Yes Gguk?" - Jin hyung said, smiling

I licked my lips and chuckled slightly and I gave them a sign that 'I want to talk to them alone'. They understand and they nod.

"Hmm taehyungie baby, can you accompany hobi to buy drinks hmm?" - Jin hyung ask, sweetly

Taehyung nod and smiled.

"Yes hyungie, ggukie we'll buy drinks hmm?"

I smiled and just nod at him.

"Yeah sure.."

He stand up then hobi hyung gave me a wink, I smiled and nod.

Finally they already leave. I look at hyungs and they just look at me, smiling and raising their eyebrows.

"What is it Jeon?" - Yoongi hyung ask, smiling

I chuckled and shook my head because of the word 'Jeon'


"OMG what is it what is it!" - Jimin hyung said, squealing lowly

"Shut it shorty" - Yoongi hyung said and Jimin just pout and rolled his eyes

I chuckled and I inhale deeply.

"Tell us hmm" - Namjoon hyung said

"Well... one week is almost over so.. I'm planing to tell the truth to taehyung.."




"OMG... Yas jungkook! That's right! Tell him!" - Jimin hyung said, squealing as always

"Sshh Jimin!" - Jin hyung said

I smiled and just bite my lips.

"Wait... are you sure?" - Yoongi hyung ask

I nod and smiled at them. Yes.... I'm fucking sure.

"Yeah hyungs... I'm really sure.."

"Wait, as in now? You'll tell him now?" - Namjoon hyung ask

"No hyung not now... I'm planning to tell him this week... when I'm going to ask him to be mine..." - I said and slightly blush DAMN THE POWER OF KIM TAEHYUNG

"Awww! I can't wait omg kyaaaaah!" - Jimin hyung said squealing

"So you're planning to tell him this week that you're his Idol Jeon Jungkook when you ask him if he wants to be your boyfriend?" - Namjoon hyung ask and Jin hyung chuckled

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