twenty three

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"Yeah.. he's right.. Jimin is right.." - he said and look down


As I heard that I felt a pang on my chest more and my tears keep flowing and flowing. I bite my lips and sniff then I look back at hyungs who's looking worriedly at me.

"H-How long did you keep this secret to me?"

"Almost one month" - Jimin hyung suddenly said, pouting, obviously drunk

One fucking month?!

I don't know but I really felt mad and hurt right now. Why the fuck they didn't tell me the truth?! I close my eyes, tears keep flowing. I suddenly felt arms on my back and I turned around and glared at him.

"Don't touch me"


"S-Shut up!" - I sniff and look back at hyungs again

"And you all keep this secret to me?! I fucking look like a stupid here just talking and talking about how much I love Jungkook and there's no one tell me that J-Jungkook is infront of me?! Y-You all know how I adore Jungkook and you know what I feel to Gguk hyungs... A-Are you even my friends?!"

I shout at them while my tears keep flowing. I felt hurt. They lied to me and I'm fucking stupid. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID.

"It's not like that ta-

"No Jin hyung! You all lied to me! And now I felt like a dumb, stupid. I don't even have idea that Jungkook is Gguk the one who's courting me. And now I don't even think if his feelings for me is fucking true.." - I mumble the last part because of crying

"N-No baby... It's tr-

"Please don't talk to me" - I said and I look down, tears keep falling

Suddenly I felt arms around me. I close my eyes, heart feeling heavy. You don't blame me, I'm hurt and this is what I really feel...

"P-Please baby.. listen to me.." - he whisper and sniff


Is he crying?

I pulled away from him and I look at them.

"Taehyung just listen to Jungkook" - Yoongi hyung suddenly said

I chuckled a bit and they just look at me worriedly. I glance at Gguk and he's now tearing up too. I felt a pang on my chest but I didn't mind, because I'm fucking hurt too.

"Listen? T-Then what? Another lie again?" - I chuckled, tears keep flowing

Jin hyung walk to me and he cup my cheeks, wiping my tears and smiled at me.

"Baby please, listen to him hmm?" - Jin hyung ask, smiling sweetly at me

I pulled away from him and I wipe my own tears that keep flowing. I gave them a last look then I went outside, leaving the door with a loud *THUG*

I'm walking and walking with my heart feeling heavy and my tears keep flowing. I'm mad and I'm hurt, I can't control my feelings.

Gguk is Jungkook and Jungkook is Gguk. I fucking look like an Idiot who keeps talking and talking about him and he didn't tell me that he's Jungkook and now my friends too. WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING.

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