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I woke up because of the brightness of the sun. I yawn and sit but quickly startled when I see my mom, sitting on my bed.

"Mom you scared me!"

She smiled at me and ruffled my hair. I look at her, confuse.

"Why you didn't wake me up?"

She smiled and lean on me then he look down at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and look down too. Oh! She's looking at the picture of dad. I bite my lips and look at her.

"You're sleeping peacefully with your dad..."

She smiled sadly and took my hands. I smiled at her too.

"Do you miss him honey?"

I suddenly felt my tears building in the corner of my eyes. I bite my lips and slowly nod at her. She smiled and pulled me to hug, then my tears fall.

"I-I miss him mom..."

She rub my back soothingly and I sniff. She pulled away from me and wipe my tears and smiled at me.

"Mom miss daddy too.."

She smiled sadly at me caress my cheeks. I smiled at her too.

"Love you mom..."

She chuckled at me and pinch my cheeks. I smiled.

"Love you too son, now come on. Get up and eat downstairs"

I smiled and nod at her. She took daddy's picture and kiss it, I smiled. She put his picture on the nightstand and smiled at me then get out to my room. I smiled and sigh.

I stand up then go to my bathroom to do my morning routine.



"No sejin hyung, no"

"Jungkook?! Why can't you just follow what I'm saying to you. It's for your own good"

I sigh and sit on the sofa and cross my arms.

"I told you sejin hyung, I don't want to go to that school aish"

He look at me seriously, I sigh and look away. He's doing it again, he want me to follows what he's saying to me again. Aish.

"Jungkook tell me why? East Artist University is surrounded by many artist and a few normal people, so that you will feel comfortable, then you don't want?"

I look at him boringly and sigh. I intertwined my hands while looking to him.

"That's the reason hyung"

He look at me, confuse. I look down for a seconds and look back to him.


"Yeah hyung that's the reason. I'm always surrounded by many artist and I'm tired. Now, I want to be surrounded by other people... a more normal people... just please hyung... let me live as Jeon Jungkook... let me enter at Bighit University"

He sigh and put his hand on his head. I look away and ruffled my hair.

"But that other normal people you were talking will know you... they will always follow you or surrounded you, or maybe they will hurt you because you're there. You know you're an artist Jeon and you are famous, now what are you going to do then?"

I look at him and bite my lips. He raised his eyebrow to me.

"Well..... I can....."

"You can what?"

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