twenty one

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4 days ago


"Goodmorning hyungs!"

"Oh hey gguk, you're early!" - Namjoon hyung chuckled

"Ofcourse he promise to his baby that he will never be late" - Yoongi hyung chuckled

"Woah! A bouquet of flowers for taehyung again?! Awwww so sweeet" - Jiminie said, slightly squealing

"You always gave him a bouquet of flowers everyday Jeon" - Namjoon hyung chuckled

"I wonder why?" - Jin hyung teased, raising his eyebrows

"Aish you guys are stupid. Ofcourse he's courting taehyung" - Yoongi hyung said and rolled his eyes, I smiled slightly

"Yoongi hyung is right... Ofcourse, although he's still not officially mine... it's my obligation to do this.. to make him happy... and even when the right time comes that he's officially mine, I'll still do this.."

"Awwwwwwwww hobi hyung, my heart!!!" - Jimin said squealing, the hyungs just chuckled

I chuckled while shooking my head then suddenly I realized something. I furrowed my eyebrows and licked my lips.

"Where's my boy hyung?"

"Aweeee he's really whipped to tae hyungs" - Hobi said chuckling

"Awww my boy awwww" - Jiminie said smiling cutely

"Don't worry my cutie baby, yoongi will call you that too soon" - Jin hyung said smiling and Yoongi hyung smirk and Jimin just blush

I smiled and slightly blush. Wth.

"Oh your boy is on the bench under the tree as always, I thought you see him there before you went here in classroom" - Yoongi hyung said

I bite my lips and shook my head.

"No hyung, I shortcut, I enter on exit hehe" - I said and scratched my head

"Aish okay, now go, he's there"

I nod then I fix my wig and glasses and I heard them chuckled, I smiled shyly then I went outside of the room and walked quickly.

Then I see my baby sitting under the tree, smiling while looking at his laptop with earphones both on his ear. The way the cold air is touching his skin, hair, face and smile... he's smiling with his cute boxy smile and his beautiful eyes that forming to smile too.. So beautiful...


I smiled and continue to walk to him.

He noticed that there's someone standing beside him so he look up at me and he smiled widely then he removed his earphone.


I smiled and pinch his cheeks and sit beside him.

"For you..."

He look at the bouquet of flowers that I handed him then his cheeks goes red then he took it.


I smiled and kiss his head. Aish so cute.

"What you're watchin?"

He smiled at me then he put the earphone on my right ear then my eyes grew a bit. I look at the laptop and I blushed slightly.

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