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"Yes, I'm always lookin at him"

I didn't finished what I'm saying when he said that.


"Omgggggggggg" - Jiminie squeal


I felt my face heat up and my eyes grew big then I look at Gguk, he's lookin at me seriously.

"Woah, what an honest answer. I fuckin knew it" - Yoongi chuckled

I blink and look away from gguk, still blushing. What the fuck? H-He's always lookin at me?

"Ayiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee" - they teasing me

"Y-Yah! S-Stop it hyungiieess"

I heard Gguk chuckled and I just furrowed my eyebrows and pout still looking at the hyungs.

"Why wouldn't I look at him? I mean look, he's beautiful inside and outside, he's ethereal and a cutie and y'all know it too right?" - Gguk chuckled


"Aweeeeee, yeah we all know it but you know you're so much whipped to tae" - Jiminie giggled

They just chuckled while me still fucking flustered and heart still beating fast.

I look at Gguk and he's looking at me, smiling. I just blink at him and pout.

"Y-Yah! I-I know you gave me a concert tix and I-I'm thankful for that, but stop c-complimenting me, I wouldn't say 'thank you' because I-It's not good" - I said and look away from him

I heard him chuckled and hyungs chuckled too.

"Aw, why It's not good hmm?" - Gguk ask

I bite my lips, still not looking to him. I see my hyungs laughing at me. Aish.

"It's not good for his heart I think" - Namjoon hyung said

My eyes grew big and I huff.

"Y-Yah! h-hyung, N-No!"

They just chuckled and I pout and look back to Gguk, who's still lookin at me, smiling.


What is this feeling? Do I like him now? Nooooo.... But this feeling... Now I know why this feeling is familiar... I only feel this to my Jungkookie and now I feeling it now with him... with Gguk...

What should I do?



Yes... I'm always looking at him. Ofcourse why wouldn't I? He's so effortlessly beautiful and I can look at him forever.

And now yes, I fucking admit that he's holding my heart...


We're now walking outside of the school, It's already 5:41pm.

"Oh taehyungie! We're now going, bye bye!" - Jimin said then he pulled yoongi with him

"Bye Jiminiee.." - Tae said

"Bye Gguk, Tae" - Namjoon and the other bid goodbye to us

"Yeah bye hyung" - I said

"Bye hyungieeess.." - Tae smiled and wave his hand

I can't help but to smile because my cutie is so fucking adorable. Ugh, my heart.

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