part 2

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"now that's all cleared up down to business" he says sitting back at his desk
"So your?" I began
"The devil, in a manner of speaking yes..." He explained
"Why in a manner of speaking?" I ask
"I'm not the Original devil, that's my dad, he's retired now moved to the Australian coast" he explained
"So Lucifer the fallen angel, the master of evil,  king of hell... Moved to Sydney when he retired?" I ask
"Yep" he answered
"And now...your in charge?" I ask
"Yes, why? Suprised?" He asked
"A little, I assumed you'd be scarier" I blushed
"Why do people always assume that? Our family got kicked out of heaven we just lost our wings and all," he explained "people are always surprised when they come down here and see me" he smirked "now... Enough about me, let's get onto you" he says checking the paperwork and his computer "Hu? You really haven't done anything that bad" he says
"Didn't I?" I ask
"No, honestly you could probably have gotten into heaven with this not sure why they sent you down here?" He says more to himself "ahh no got it, that one gets so many people, they have gotten so much stricter up there" he sighed "well... You have a few options miss y/n" he says
"Which are?" I ask
"Well, you can go down into hell, but I honestly don't think we'd put you any Lower then level one or two" he says "we could send you up to heaven see if they'd be nice or if you uhh did a little job for them if you know what I mean" he smirked "or you could return to earth as a ghost, haunt some kids, break some plates it's fun I recommend it" he explained "or... We could give you a job?" He suggested
"What sort of job?" I ask
"Well as you can probably tell were kinda short staff around here, someone has to deal with paperwork and updating computer systems that sort of stuff, the deamons are great at tourching people and finding ironic concepts but none of them have any idea now Microsoft Excel works" he explained "we'd pay you, give you a place to live, holiday time, only thing we wouldn't is sick pay and health insurance but your already dead so what does that matter"
"Id like that" I smiled
"Really? Great, six am back here tomorrow morning, I'll have morgal take you to one of the empty places we have...I'll see you tomorrow then miss y/n" he smiled
"Thank you..Uhhh?" I ask
"You can just call me Thomas" he smiled

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