part 7

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"Thomas I don't know" I blushed hiding from his eyes best I could
"Alright, you get cuddled on the sofa I'll bring us something to... Get working on" he incouraged so I went and sat on the sofa looking out at the fire outside until suddenly the blinds where drawn on the window "what are you doing looking out there?" He asks as he clicked a button turning the light fire place as well as some electronic candles on as he sat beside me putting his arm around me I was nervous to say the least, I mean he's my boss! And the devil! The literal king of the underworld! And he was flirting with me? How long has he been flirting with me? Is all that playfully stuff at work, all those calls, the sly smiles, the pinches on my bottom? It was all flirting! Of course I do like him he's increadably attractive and who would say no to being queen of hell someday, but his tests? What did that mean?
"Nothing" I blushed
"Will you relax? Hey, just because I'm your boss doesn't mean you have to be like that with me once we're away from work?" He smiled fixing my hair for me "here" he smiled handing me a bowl with some chocolate covered strawberries
"My favourite" I giggled
"I know" he smirked "go on, I have something to get started" he smiled kissing my head going off to do something else I had a couple strawberries and they where very nice but I put the bowl on the table as to not be rude as he came back "now... Did you want to continue the tests?" He asked Running his finger around my thigh in a circle slowly getting higher and I nodded "humm good girl" he growled "well as I said you've passed all the previous ones, so next is a easy one beautiful" he explained "kiss me?"
"What?" I asked a little confused
"Kiss me? A real kiss too none of this one second and you pull away a proper kiss maybe a little tongue if your feeling... Forward beautiful" he explained I blushed hard looking at the floor before I moved resting my hands on his shoulders he smirked a little putting his hands on my waist
"Sorry I'm nervous" I blushed
"That's alright, take your time" he reasured just then I felt a surge of confidence so I moved forward pressing my lips to his own, he tasted like mint, chocolate, ash and leather he kissed back and tighten his grip on me he tilted his head a little so I moved the other way his lips where smooth and silky but he began kissing me deeper so I matched him best I could till he pulled away but kept me in his arms licking his lips as he pulled away "umm cherry cola beautiful?" He asked and I blushed and nodded "humm? Was someone thinking she was getting kisses Tonight?" He asked
"No, I just like it" I blushed
"If you say so" he smirked
"Did I pass the test?" I asked curiously
"With a perfect score beautiful" he smiled "so? Next test?" He asks and i nod "that's my girl" he winked getting up and offering his hand I took it and he took me over this bed I knew I was blushing like crazy my face a bright red "your not perticialy attached to this dress are you?" He asks
"Uhh no, I like it but I'm not attached to it really" I explain "why?" I ask but he didn't need to answer he held my shoulder and ripped the seam apart on both sides I blushed even more as I felt my dress drop to his floor he sat on his bed and leaned back on his elbows looking at me in just my black underwear he bit his bottom lip looking at me his brown eyes watched me like a hawk
"Ummm... Fuck you look good" he groans "come here beautiful?" He smirked so I went closer
"Did I pass?" I ask
"So far, yes but...there's still some things to come off isn't there beautiful?" He smirked I blushed trying to put my hands over myself realizing what he wanted "ohh come come now y/n, no need to get all shy now? You're down to your black lace underwear already, I just wanna see what my future queen looks like naked?" He smirked

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