Part 14

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I felt his fingers, they where cold which made me jump and flinch a little "whoa... It's okay just relax" he smirked "now, humm there that slutty pussy I like" he smirked slipping a finger or two inside of me "ummmm soaked already?" He growled kissing my cheek "good girl," he smirked as another of his fingers began rubbing on my clit
"Uuhhh!" I squealed feeling such intense pleasure already as he touched me
"Very responsible aren't you?" He smirked "almost as if you hadn't-" he began "darling... Has anyone ever fingered you before?" He asked and I shook my head "humm well be the first to make you squeal" he growled speeding up his rubbing on my clit as well as his merciless finger fucking, I felt my phone body quivering I'm sure it was a sight in my little red dress it pulled up at the back to sit in the small of my back, blindfolded and desperately clinging to the table with Thomas fingering me as fast and hard as I ever imagined
"T-thomas please im-" I began unable to form words
"Come on darling, cum for me" he growled in my ear kissing down my neck and almost instantly I hit my orgasum my thighs shutting tight on his hand almost collapsing on the table as my legs though they would give out I know I squirted everywhere but he kept going letting me ride it out he pulled his hands away and pulled down my dress lifting me to sit on the table removing my blindfold
"How did I do?' was all I could force out between my breaths and he smiled kissing me
"You did amazing, no girl has ever got this far before," he smirked "look at all the mess you made beautiful" he smirked licking his fingers clean from the almost dripping wetness all over them "ummmm you taste good... Shall we go straight to the next test?" He asked and u nodded "that's my girl" he smirked getting on his knees kissing up my thighs and pushing my legs apart till he had my legs at there thurthes they could go, my dress up around my waist and his eyes level with my dripping quivering pussy "uhh you look so beautiful" he groaned "why does that slutty pussy have to look so fuckable" he smirked S he kissed my clit making my hips uncontrollably move towards his head he smirked at me before holding my thighs open and attacking me with kisses, licks and sucks, while I was already in my post orgasum state anyway I held the table as moans and groans fell from my mouth like a pronographic waterfall "UUmmm I wanna be inside you so bad beautiful" he groans
"Then why don't you?" I smirked and he sucked on my clit "ahhaah!" I squealed getting close
"Because that's not the test we are doing beautiful ' he warns  getting faster and faster and I hit another orgasum collapsing on the table as I know I squirted on him a little as soon as I had risen it out he stood looking at me laid my dress up around my waist, my hair a mess, my face in a state of pleasure, my dress soaked from my squirting, gasping for air he smirked picking me up and cuddling me into his chest "awwwww beautiful, look at all the mess you made"he smirked making me look the table and where I had been stood had a actual puddle from my wetness the table even having a heat and wetness imprint from my Virginia "do you want to do another test?' he asks
"I'm not sure Thomas" I said still gasping for breath
"It's an easy one?"
"Okay" I nodded
"Dress off and wait for me by the bed" he says I blushed imaging what was next he was all horned up before after all that he must be desperate no doubt he'll strip me naked and fuck me till morning as soon as I slipped off my dress he came behind me undoing my bra and slipping it off I was excited but he slipped simply kissed my cheek "get into bed" he says so I did as I was.told getting under the nice black covers hiding myself innocently away under the covers as he slipped off his shirt and pants leaving him in his underwear S he crawled into bed with me
"What's the next test?" I asked
"Stay the night with me" he smiled as he laid down pulling me to snuggle with him
"Really?' I asked
"Really' he nods so I smiled nuzzling close to him 'so? How do you like to cuddle when you sleep?" He asked
"Uhh I guess I just kinda sleep like this' I shirt turning away to get comfy on the pillow "is that okay?' I asked and he simply wrapped his arms around me resting his head on my back and shoulder as he pulled me close
"Perfect beautiful' he smiled "goodnight y/n'
"Goodnight Thomas" I blushed as the lights all went out and we laid snuggly Me cosy together in the dark and the quiet I could fall asleep so easily his bed was so comfy and he's so cosy to cuddle
"I love you..." I heard behind me and I almost had a heart attack
"What?' I asked in shock
"I love you beautiful'
"I love you too Thomas" I smiled Turning my face to him and giving him a kiss...

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