part 1

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"here's your order miss" the Batista smiled to me handing me my coffee
"Thanks" I smiled having a sip and heading out the little shop onto the busy pathways with people rushing back and forth, I went over to the crossing pressing the little button having another sip while I waited till the lights changed and I began my walk across the road enjoying the clack of my little heels on the roadway
"Ohh my god!"
"Is she alright!'
"That lunatic!"
"I don't think she's breathing!"
"Call an ambulance"

When I woke up it was very warm I looked around and saw an waiting room, while walls and a few uncomfortable plastic chairs, there was a half broken celling fan whirling away slightly wobbling due to it being broken, some old magazines on a table, a wooden desk in the corner with a old computer in it,
"Miss y/n?" A voice asks coming from behind the computer
"Yes?" I ask a little confused
"Here fill this out" they said a dark hand pushing a clipboard to me I took it and filled it in best I could mostly just my name and details "he's ready for you now, first door on the left" the voice says so I got up slowing going down the corridor till I reached the door so I knocked
"Come in" a male voice answered so I went in, it was a very nice little office with a window but the blinds where closed a large red wood desk with a chair, on the other side of the desk was a very handsome dirty blond boy in a black and red suit on the phone with someone checking his nails as he spoke "be with you in a moment have a seat" he says not even looking at me so I took a seat having another look aroud, I noticed a hourglass the sand pouring upside down, "no.... Absolutely not, after what he did he's not coming above level six I've explained this to him... I know, I'm not coming down there to explain it again I have far to much going on up here" he explained glancing at me and and a smirk crawled onto his lips "I'll uhh... I'll call you back denahon I uhh I have some work" he says before he hung up the phone "well hello" he smirked leaning on his desk
"Hello" I smiled "uhh what's going on?" I ask
"Oww for goodness sake has knowone explained this to you yet?" He asks and I shook my head he sighed taking my paper work and having a look he filled in a couple of the boxes I missed and smiled "sorry to inform you miss y/n but your dead, car hit you, ohh so young too... Just about to start your first day well sorry but guess your down here now indefinitely" he explained
"Dead! What are you talking about?" I ask and he smirked getting up and opening the blind
"Welcome to hell beautiful" he smirked
I looked and the place outside was red and fire everywhere people screaming and crying in agorny deamons tourching them he was telling the truth I was In hell.

Welcome to hell beautiful (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now